I forgot how hard this game really is!!! This game is really fast and if you go to fast, you can loose your self off course and crash!!! But after playing this game, I'm thinking if Nintendo will ever put the series in the Wii!!!
There is a lot of potential if this game goes to the Wii and the first thing that came to my mind is Online!!! Sure friend codes sucks, but it's better than having F-Zero being offline!!! I want to customize my machine and take on the world to see who's the best F-Zero racer!!! And with the wiimote, I want to customize my own F-Zero track and send it to friends to see if they can master it!!! All of this can be done if Nintendo wants to but I see it as pleasing the core gamer, but since Nintendo's is trying to capture more casuals and non-gamers, it seems that Nintendo will hold back of my fantasy F-Zero game until those Casuals want a real challenging racing game other than Mario Kart!!!