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I'm Back!

I got back from vacation yesterday. :D With it being Disney (you would know if you've been there) i'm very tired. What really stinks though is my spanish teacher is giving a test today. The FIRST day back from a week long vacation!! She gave us double homework before we left. So i had to do some of it on break. NO OTHER TEACHER DID THAT!! JUST HER! So yeah.

Also what stinks is this new image. I liked the old one better!! But since there's nothing i can really do about it..i'll just shut up and go with it. It's kinda like Obama "Change, change change!!" Only it's not change for the's change for the worst:P Yeah, i'm a clear Obama hater. (sorry to people who like him) It seems like people are leaving go to the refuge. *coughisabelcough* Yeah, i have an account there..and yeah i've posted there a bit. However i'm not leaving I'll be at both sites as much as i can. :D