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One Year Anniversary!

Can you beleives it?? Ive acctually had a account for a year as of wow..

Looking back, alot has happened in a year..but i can still remember a good majority of it.. i even remember some of the members who were my first friends on here but dont come back much anymore :/ plus all the activity that was around just before and right after the its dwindled down to a pitful number of posts per day now...even on the refuge its slowing down a bit..but hopfully will pick up again over the summer ^^ weirdly enough the refuge was also created today..lolz i didnt join there until like augest and i kept saying that i wasnt going to leave here :lol: and while i never did of course i havent been as active lolz..thought now ive joined the now i have a good escuse to write again along with being more active on the boards :P

so yeah...not alots been going on latly otherwise the past month..bit of drama excally a month ago and some drama last week..but other then that *shrug* schools been killing me on the borderline of passing biology going into the final on monday..yeah...been studing up until 5..or whenever i just pass yeah lots of fun there..

I CANT WAIT FOR SUMMER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :P