Top 15 Games of The Past Generation

This is the first generation I went through from the beginning till the end as a gamer and boy, what an incredible 8 years it was. I'd like to share what I think are the best games that were released in the 2005-2013 time period. Includes only games I've played, obviously (one per series). List is entirely subjective.

Rank Game Release Date GameSpot Score Firewalkermd's Score

Batman: Arkham Asylum

Not only the best superhero game ever but also one of the most polished action-adventure games around. Why not Arkham City? Simple: City is just Asylum with a bigger scope and game world which leads to the loss of the intense atmosphere that made Asylum so special in my book.



Boy, the shenaningans I had when I first played Crysis. It was actually on of the games that got me into gaming and I didn't regret it a second. Looking back, maybe Crysis had a lot of issues but at the moment of playing I didn't even care. It was so engrossing and empowering that it instantly became one of my favorite games. If you think that it's just a tech demo then..really?


Halo: Reach

I ain't a Halo fan at all. But there's something to Reach that keeps me remembering about it whenever I try to reminisce the best FPSs of the past generation. Reach is the definitive Halo package. It's unbelievably cool and stylish with a more personal story that managed to resonate with me. I grew attached to the Noble Team even if I don't much care what's going on in Halo universe. Reach is one of the most finely crafted FPSs I ever played and a highly emotional game as well. It's by far my favorite xbox 360 exclusive.


Portal 2

Portal 2 took the winning formula of the previous game and fully maximized its potential by adding one of the best scripts and voice acting in gaming that shaped an incredible storyline all while retaining what made the original so great: the puzzles. Portal 2 is a real an exercise for your gray matter and it's one of those game that could really leave an impact on you (perfecting your logic). Add to that the brilliant co-op with those two cute little robots and you have one of the best experiences the past gen had to offer. Shame there were some damn many load times, though.


XCOM: Enemy Unknown

The biggest merit of this game is making me play a genre that I don't exactly like. Strategies are just not my cop of tea. Moreover, XCOM made me love the crap out of it for it's sense of imminent danger of losing soldiers or entire countries. XCOM is a unique blend of two different games: a tactical action-strategy game unlike any other on the marked and a global management game where you step in the shoes of the commander of xcom, your job being making sure you're fully prepped to face the enemies that await you. The result is an unforgettable experience with a unique sense of accomplishment to each of it's missions. It should be played by everyone, no matter if you like strategies or not.


The Walking Dead: A Telltale Games Series

What else do I need to say here? This is Telltale Games' magnum opus, a game that fully justifies it's developer's name. The game is really there to tell a tale and it nails it perfectly. Also, TWD is a master-class of gaming decision making ( the only game Heavy rain can be compared to in this aspect). This game will make fall in love with it's characters in a matter of hours and whenever something happens to them you feel responsible for it. Top form, Telltale, top form.


The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings

The Witcher 2 is up there with the most mature games ever made. Its fantasy setting is a backdrop for political intrigue, tension, mystery and war. I like the way you, as Geralt, are swept right in the middle of it. Apart from that, the Witcher 2 is also a finely crafted RPG with challenging combat, great progression branches, decent side quests, impressive graphics and choices that can entirely change the way the story plays out. One can argue that it is way too linear but the game uses this to it's advantage to create an immersive experience. This is the game that put CD Projekt RED on the map of the best developers around.


The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Who doesn't love Skyrim? Even now, it still is one of the most ambitious RPG undertakings in gaming history. It almost immediately became a cult hit due to the freedom of action it provides, the sense of adventure and the hundreds of ways to play it. It is one of the games in which to story doesn't even matter after all. The myriad of side plots more than compensates for any of the main quest's shortcomings. Skyrim is the definitive fantasy RPG experience on the past generation.


Assassin's Creed II

Rarely do you see a sequel several magnitudes better than the original. With Assassin's Creed II this is the case. Every single element of the game was refined and improved to create a truly unique action-adventure set during the italian Renaissance. I've never seen a setting like this before in a video game and for that it deserves credit. This is the start of Ezio Auditore's journey and it still remains my favorite part of it: seeing his transformation from a cocky italian noble intro a fearless assassin was a joy to experience. As a result, Ezio went down intro history as one of the most loved main characters in video games. And then, there's the fantastic soundtrack by Jesper Kyd that sets th mood perfectly for every situations and provides some truly great tunes that I'd still listen to today.


Grand Theft Auto V

Rockstar dropped the mic on this gen with this heavy-hitting monster of a game. There's a ton of reasons GTA V should be on this list, I don't even need to mention them. Every GTA game release is a joy for every gamer and V is no exception. V is actually the only GTA that I beat which is quite an achievement :D I just feel the plot itself was more memorable and not so relying on it's three great leads. Nevertheless, gotta give GTA V credit for being arguably the best open world game there was this generation and for having literally the most tiny little details that people are still finding up to the present day. Well done, Rockstar.


Red Dead Redemption

The problem with GTA V and pretty much every other Rockstar game is that they have no "soul". Well, besides Red Dead Redeption. This isn't just a GTA clone set in the wild west. Red Dead is fully capable of standing on it's own and it is nothing like GTA has to offer. This time Rockstar nailed the western atmosphere perfectly and filled the game with great characters and a fantastic story of personal redemption with a profound meaning to it and an ending that you won't soon forget. What you also won't forget is the subtle little moments of sheer beauty: the ride into Mexico being only one of them. Red Dead Redemption is perhaps the only Rockstar game that made me feel something and that made me think for a while about mistakes in life and how one can or can't live with them.


The Last of Us

I rented a PS3 just to play this game. And hell, it was worth the money. What staggered me at first was the incredibly high production values. The Last of Us is as polished as a game can get: there are virtually no loading times, it has the best looking cutscenes I've ever seen in a game and gameplay that is the work of a genius. I mean I heard Naughty Dog made good games but hell I didn't expect this. I also didn't expect how the game plays out: instead being a story about survival it is more of a life lesson teaching that pretty much everyone around is selfish asshole, at least to some extent. I don't know what else to say. The Last of Us' every aspect is just polished to near perfection.


Heavy Rain

The other exclusive I wanted to so badly to play was Heavy Rain. I've got to say that this is one of the most important games of this generation. It works ideally for either the hardcore or the casual gamer. It is game where you truly feel the weight of the decisions you make and their consequences (one failed QTE can lead to a character's death). Heavy Rain just blew my mind. During the entire playthrough I was on the edge of my seat. The environments are alive, the story is brialliant and has a lot of unexpected twists and turns. Replaying the game after a playthrough is a complete joy: seeing what would've possibly happen creates immense replay value for a game that is linear at first sight. Games like Heavy Rain are rare and I definitely would like to see some more of this. (No,no don't tell me about Beyond Two Souls)


Fallout 3

My impressions of Fallout 3 are very similar to those of Skyrim. The thing Fallout 3 does better than Skyrim is it's atmosphere and setting. I remember wandering around the Capital Wasteland with my jaw on the floor, exploring every nook and cranny and being so immersed into the game that I couldn't stop playing it for months. Back then, I used to say to me that this right here is the best game I've ever played but that changed in a year or so.


Mass Effect 2

Here it is. My favorite game of the 7th gaming generation. I still remember the first time I assembled my team and went beyond the Omega 4 relay. I was literally shaking of excitement then. No game made me feel that. But Mass Effect 2 isn't just about the fantastically orchestrated suicide mission. This is also the Empire Strikes Back of the Mass Effect franchise. It is a game that puts the main story in the background to make way to a more personal experience with arguably the best characters ever put in a video game. The way I bonded with them and the way I cared for them is just something that can't be described. Mass Effect 2's other big merit is successfuly blending two genres intro one and making it effortless to play and understand. I would also like to mention Jack Wall and company's incredible soundtrack that produced my favorite gaming main theme of all time: Suicide Mission. BioWare upped the ante once again with Mass Effect 2, producing what is now the quintessential sci-fi gaming experience.