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Holidays are over - First Day back at school + More Video games

Eww! Holidays are over and i just experienced my first day at school.

I tried out for VolleyBall Reps today, as my school sport. I got under 15's MVP for the semester last year, and I AM GONNA DO IT AGAIN THIS YEAR!

Plus i skidded on a tennis court last friday and kinda fractured my arm :?, i have no idea how the heck i tried out for the volley ball team, was hitting it properly and somehow overcoming immense pain.

Oh well i guess thats life, though life today brought me a new enemy.

It turns a little who*e from year 7 has returned this term, and oh god is she a druggo.

Though first day got worse. Seriously, i got a new time table *barfs* horrible, i have all the bad subjects on the same days.

And even worse, i found out i have my testing week in 4 weeks plus i have the

National Assessment (something beginning with P) Literacy And Numeracy AKA NAPLAN.

So i have 9 days of consecutive testing that spans my time this year and in the past 2 years. YOWIE.

So sorry if i dim my activity a bit not next week but the week after, i want to get perfect grades.

Now to the video game part though, i have decided i wish to talk more about video games in this blog, i mean, sure my life is action packed with all the mean people and me hurting myself all the time, but this is called gamespot for a reason. So at the end of each blog i will talk about video games, or i might procrastinate about talking about video games. Anyway hope everyones well