Well it kinda stinks that my dads internet loads at around 1 page per hour :cry: So until tomorrow night i wont be on. Its incredib;y irritating
Also i have been playing a lot of Tales of Symphonia
So this week i got through the whole 2nd disc and i get to the end, where one by one each member sacrifices themself to help Lloyd.
And in the last one there is him and Genis.
And even though you are (you should) be over level 70, he uses fire ball. AND OH NO the hole is closing up.
So even though he can make huge meteors barrage enemies he uses the MOST BASIC SPELL. I love the game but that is seriously messed up. You can make a spell capable of killing anything and yet he uses Fire ball, THIS IS HERECY TO THE GAME...HERECY!!!! Though this isnt the only cutscene battle flaw the game holds.
Including Lloyds, he only ever uses demon fang.
Colette only ever used Ray thrust. And the fact Zelos...is never nice :twisted: (stupid manwhore)
In other news,Despite being an AustralianI watched my first game of AFL (Australian Football League), probably because i hate it and had nothing else to do. If any other Aussies do happen to stumble across this its because i like League and Union more. Plus I'm from NSW and AFL is very much a VIC sport.
But i realised something about this sport. Its really wierd!! I play league on occasion andI sat there for 15 minutes wondering why they were able to just pretty much punch the ball to each other, and crazily kick the ball everywhere.