Although i love living in Sydney Australia, i continuously find myself in what i like to 'not many people in country so we onlly get half amount of games' syndrome. It sucks!!! We had to wait 2 years for Harvest Moon Magical Melody, and it wasnt even on Gamecube, it came out on Wii, In April!
We dont get Brawl till September
We always seem to get the hard end of the deal, getting games weeks to Months after the UK and we're both PAL users so why does it take so long to get out here.
We almost didnt even get Fire Emblem, i was lucky, i happened to go to new york on a holiday and went to Nintendo world, and stumbled across things like Tales of Phantasia and Fire Emblem: Sacred Stones.
So now i hear one of my favorite RPG's is getting a sequel Tales of Symphonia, its most likely it wont come out in Australia because 'people didnt show much interest' I got my copy, and i was lucky. I never saw the game anywhere ever again. So people didnt show much interest because only 20 people got the chance to get the RPG jewel
While the rest of the world is cutting open people, we are getting Trauma Center on Wii, we didnt get chibi robo, We didnt get Phoenix Wright Trials and Tribulations, instead we are going straight to Apollo Justice, which mind you hasnt come out yet. The List goes on and on, with more and more titles being added to the bunch, in australia one in every 20 people have a DS, one in every 10 have a PS2 and the Wii is outselling faster than you can spell Wii , so why the lack of effort to bring games to 'Down Under'