I was thinking, in the past couple of months America has gotten, and Australia is waiting for, has waited for, or has just come out.
Battlion Wars 2
Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn (thats what is say on AU cover) i think its Goddess of Dawn in the US
Mario Galaxy
Mario Kart Wii
Resi Evil Umbrella Chronicles
Wii Fit
No More Heroes and many more
But it almost seems that we've shot EVERYTHING OUT AT ONCE
Making Everyone empty there wallets and Pocket money Jars getting it Finishing them and then waiting forever and a year for another good release.
What happens next!!!!!!!
Obviosly we're still waiting for a couple of things such as Rockband, Animal Crossing, and wondering if an adequate pokemon Wii Game will be announced. The main step seems to be Rinse and Repeat. I just have to wonder, are people like me who desperately look for the good, but abnormally rare games, going to lose interest, cause otherwise i'll go out and get eternal sonata and Fable 2 and adbandon my Wii for 6 months.
I mean Nintendo Rules but if the realeases had been staggered some more people wouldnt be asking that question. To tell the truth i'd never dbandon my Wii, but it could stray me that bit from Nintendo if there main Wii Goal, is not only to expand its audience, but in doing so, has happily sacrificed those gamers who have been there the whole way.