Well as probably 2 of you know. I have begun my 15 exams of hell.
I completed 2 today.
Yowie. I freaked out.Though upon turning over my paper. I realised.
A ranked skills test. Doesnt take skills to be good at.
A 45 minute test (preliminaries) took me 15 minutes. I checked. 2 times. ANd yet i ask you.
If we have such a great educational system. Why was one of the noted mistakes that you had to rewrite. Bilding and fix the spelling error.
Building OH MI GOSH how difficult does this get people. I can just tell how impossibly hard you think building is to spell. Of course the fact that english is my strong point enabled me to rip through it quickly.
But that doesn't change the fact that it was so easy i was practically laughing as to what i was doing.
Well anyway i still have a week and a half of testing. 4 more NAPLAN tests and a ton of half years. I mean come on. But i think i should list what tests i have having
5.3 Maths Course Unit 4-5
English x3
Science x3
Elective History
PD/H/PE x2
*Half Dies* anyway...yeah