Yes we like the fact that we get these new and creative systems, we are willing to shell out alot to put them in our homes, but if i have to pay full price for every game that i buy, i am unable to buy as many games, which in turn means the consol is not as fun, which in turn means i dished out a bunch of money for something that I cant get the full benifit from because a company wants to make more $ for themselves even though it already is making more then most........ see were the problem lies....
Firefly1jedi's forum posts
But my main problem with it is that they have no games for it yet! I went to Gemstop and it seems like they thought to much about the product and not the games. I found maybe 1 or 2 games I could buy, but its not worth the cost. I just hope they start coming out with the new games soon!
I see both sides to this. The quote you have about being a hardcore bookreader is hilarious and I have to agree that that would seem very silly to say! I also see how a hardcore gamer may feel entitlement when giving opinons though. I mean if i want to buy gym equipment or lets say find a good book to read I go to people who have worked out all there life or have read alot of books because they have experience and know the products. Which i will like better and which I will least prefer. The same goes with games, I dont know how many times that I have been at a gamestop and the 'hardcore' gamers are constantly being ask questioned about systems and about games. So I think that that goes to there head a little bit and they assume that since they have what they think is more info on things that it makes them better then the rest of us. Its kind of a catch 22. People want there help because of there knowlege of gaming, but we dont want them to be stuck up about it either, throwing it up in our faces that they're "hardcore gamers" everytime they try to make a point.
Ok I will admit it is a good game, but the fact that they keep making it for every system they have and charging it like its new is annoying. I mean it started on N64, then GC, then Wii, now 3DS and there still charging $40? :? I mean i think that they have already got there money out of the game! They should have made it a $10 download and stopped there.
I agree with all you statement except this one. Unless you own a kinect, it is hard to get your hands on more then a couple good games that are worth while, and arent rated 'M'.
Whoah guys! :shock: this is starting to get rasist. I think we need to all calm down a bit and realize every contry has its problems and its advatages. We are all made of flesh and blood and no one is better then the other.
btw why is a hermit making fun of someone for being overweight?
Wait who are you calling a hermit? Im so CONFUSED!Whoah guys! :shock: this is starting to get rasist. I think we need to all calm down a bit and realize every contry has its problems and its advatages. We are all made of flesh and blood and no one is better then the other.
It's lighthearted, no one really means it. Besides, it's funnier that the TC's topic. Oh ok, i didnt know and I havnt been on here in a while. It just sounded really bad from where I was standing.Whoah guys! :shock: this is starting to get rasist. I think we need to all calm down a bit and realize every contry has its problems and its advatages. We are all made of flesh and blood and no one is better then the other.
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