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Firestorm217 Blog

Another Format War Blog (free cookies included

Before I start I regret to inform you that the cookies will not be coming, for that was just a hook to grab your attention, if this has in anyway displeased you please email me at with your name and address and cookies will be FedEx'd to you directly, now for the business at hand. As I'm sure most of you now know HD-DVD has officially lost the format for those of you keeping score. Personally I'm not keen on either one, although I used to back blue-ray just cause of my PS3, and 50 gigs on a disc is pretty cool. However my interest pretty much died the first time I went to buy a blue-ray movie. I went into a local HMV and was looking for the first Die Hard on Blue-ray, so whilst looking I saw it on regular DVD, 14.99. I'm thinking ok well its Blue-ray, its new it'll be like $20-25…$39.99. I was totally outraged, how can anyone get away with this garbage. I'll go out and buy a game instead, at least if I spend 40 or 50 bucks on a game ill get my moneys worth by playing it for 20 hours, but how many times could you watch die hard?! Okay, dumb question…but its still a lot for a movie. So now numerous rumors are flying around that the Xbox will come out with a portable blue-ray peripheral. I HAVE NO MORE ROOM FOR ANY PERIPHERALS! I'm typing this at my school and this laptop doesn't have wireless internet so when I get home I will take a picture of my gaming setup and post it with this blog, allow me to describe it. I have my 40 gig non backwards compatible ps3 which is resting on top of my PS2 for playing my PS2 games, then beside it I have my 360, and on top of that I have my old Nintendo 64. Game systems are getting too peripherally, with Rock Bands army of peripherals, guitar heroes guitar, DDR's pads and the insane barrage of system peripherals I was a fool to get sucked into buying (vision cam, media remote, wireless headset). I think they need a universal peripheral (just picturing what that would look like makes me chuckle). Well I must be off for the next ****is gonna start soon. Take it easy fellow gamers and happy fragging.

Why I hate LED Lights

Before I start my rant on LED lights, just thought id take this opportunity to tell you all about my newish laptop I received from my cousin. When say new I mean it's new to me. It's a Toshiba laptop with 256 ram, 1.10 GHz processor running windows XP with SP2. It's a lot better than my previous laptop, a Compaq with 64 mb of ram (not sure on anything else). This laptop doesn't have wireless but it does have an Ethernet port so I figure I type this in word, plug it into my router later and upload it like that.

So anyways on to the rant. So, im sitting here under my covers, its currently 12:05 am, I need to be in bed for 11, and I have to be up in about 6 hours for school. SO why do you ask am I still up? Well a number of reasons I suppose insomnia is partially the reason, however a darker, eviler reason looms deeper than insomnia could ever go. That reason is those DAMN LED LIGHTS THAT COME ON TO LET YOU KNOW THINGS ARE CHARGING!!!!!!!!!! These last few days ive neglected to charge a wide assortment of technology, so I decided to do so whilst I sleep, thus being ready for tomorrow, big mistake. Currently I have my PSP,DS,Xbox 360 wireless mic,Xbox 360 controller,laptop,cellphone,mp3 player and my Gameboy Advance SP charging, each one with their own charging LED light, or in the case of my laptop, 4. Now I usually need complete darkness to sleep, I'm sure many of you are in the same boat, however with all these damn lights on, it's like I have a night light in here. I think everything that comes with a built in battery and charger should have an option to turn off the LED lights. Now I was thinking of putting things over the lights but there's just so many lights and there all scattered across my room in different places many of witch would cause whatever I place over the light to fall off. Now it's not just the charging LED's that piss me off, its generally LED's in general. Like how when you're watching a psp movie and there's that annoying green flashing LED that's ALWAYS going. Or when on the DS the green power LED starts flashing whenever you're on WiFi. Or when you're on your computer and the hard drive is doing something so a red LED starts flashing or whatever other annoying colour you may have. Please comment with other annoying LED problems you have encountered. I wish I had a camera because my room looks absolutely ridicules...

Counter Strike Source Reflections...

Usually I try to beat or get very close to beating (in the case of racing games IE burnout) before doing some kind of reflection. So for counter strike since I couldn't really "beat" the game, I decided to play close to 10 hours before I put in my 2 cents. Now I suppose the main reason I switched to source is because I tried getting into 1.6, but found myself getting my ass handed to me every time. The aiming is to difficult to get used to when you're against people who have been playing since it came out. So when I tried source at a friends house and relised that I could actually do well and enjoy my counterstrike experience I decided to give it a shot. The first thing I noticed is the obvious fact that it is indeed easier than 1.6. Sprays are more accurate, and the bullet pattern isn't as wild and hard to get used to as 1.6. Thus a simple little concentric circle movement of the mouse whilst shooting the M4 or AK can mean a lot more than it used to. Also the fact that you don't have to buy ammunition is a plus .Another obvious plus would be the improved graphics. The graphics have improved 10 folds over 1.6, without you needing a power house computer. Source requires 265mb of ram and I think a minimum 1.2 GHz processor. Along with customizable sprays and better mic support there's really no downside to counter strike source. The only con I could think of is its less 1337(leet). Now I'm not the gamer whose uses such words as leet, and PAJOWNED, but there are people out there like that. With the harder aiming point in 1.6 people claim it takes more skill to become good and play in CAL leagues. Well frankly, there right. As I said before I was getting my ass kicked in 1.6, but source just felt right. Oh well, think what you will, but I must say Counter Strike Source provides for unprecedented FPS experience on the PC.


So i woke up today and i had a little bit of a migrain (bad headache, not sure if i spelled migrain right), i mean i could've gone to school but i was still worried about my aunt in the states and ju8st needed a day to chill. So I played about 3 hours of counter strike source. I just got the game yesterday and im trying to get better at it. I played 1.6 for awhile but i was never very good :P. Lately ive been a little hung up about achievment points. Not to point where i find myself buying Bionicles,Cars or Naurto, but ive been going through the achievment point list on my games trying to score a few easy ones. I've almost hit 10,000. Im gonna run through the Call Of Duty 4 story line, then maybe Burnout but doing 40 events is brutal. Maybe i should do like 10 events a day... Im also gonna borrow mass effect from my friend, ive read reviews and it looks good. If you could give some feedback in the form of a comment that would be apriechated. Well fellow gamers have a good day, happy fragging...

Fallen Upon Hard Times...

As it says in my about me i live in Canada, as does most of my family. Untill a few years ago my oma ( dutch for grandmother) had lived about 40 minutes away however she passed away at the age of 84. She had 3 sisters that now currently live in New Jersey. They are 82,86 and 91 years old. And i must say holding strong. However i today learned that the youngest aunt My Tanta Mentia has taken a bad fall. He cracked her head and how has brain bleeding. She is currently in hostpital, and is unable to reconize anyone and understand her surroundings .My mother has said to me that shes strong and can still pull through however im being the realist and just cant accept that everything will be okay. I was set to do some burnout tonight with a friend however i just cant. Im going to greive the only way how, i just bought Counter Strike Source and its currently downloading. Im not sure what to do. I wish i could see her but it doesnt look like this will be possible. I hope things workout, doesnt look good.

Burnout Paradise Reflections

Okay so I write this reflection not after ive beat the game because well…I havnt. For those of you who've played the game you know completing 40 events is quite the difficult trek. However, the first 3 days I owned this game I played a combined playtime of 30 hours, which is something I brag to my friends on a regular basis. This game has many good features which makes it the addicting game it is, however it has certain faults to it which have made me neglect to play it for a couple days. I suppose I'll start with the faults, and the biggest one at that which is the repetitiveness of the single player, and multiplayer parts of the game… which I suppose, would make the whole game. Throughout the single player game you can participate in 5 different types of events (not including "Showtime" and road rules). While each event is in a different part of the city, doing the same thing over and over again gets tiresome, however this was after 30 hours of play. The multiplayer aspect of the game generally does the same thing but with more area exclusive challenges such as get a oncoming time of 20 seconds on the I88 highway. These challenges can be completed with up to 8 people over Xbox live. Now after doing these for hours on end, free burning around Paradise City can become stagnant and old. However those would be my only problems with the game. Paradise City is amazing, not the game (although it is amazing) but the city itself. Whatever you want to do this city can support your needs. Whether it being pulling off double barrel rolls at the airport, getting 520 degree flatspin at the beach, or just unloading all your speed down the I88 highway. The online can keep you immersed in it for hours on end. The most common online is freeburning, which is just freeroaming around the city. From this menu the host can initiate races (anywhere throughout the city) or multiplayer events. I'll stop here for now and leave the rest to figure out on your own. Paradise City is a perfect example of a AAA game that I would definitely recommend. This Is DJ Atomik-I mean Peter LeBlanc…Signing off.