obviously you missed understood what i had said they are making advances in developing games for the system so they could share these advances with game developers such as the topic in the link i posted. cell processor and rsx combining to provide better development techniques such as improving frame rates and graphics in game! dont worry about what i said look at the link and quit nitpicking boy.
link for a good explanation of sony technology and they are actually working on the system to make it easier for games to be created on the console. 360 fannys take a look at this to you could possibly learn something about what a true next gen console is. http://www.psu.com/Cell-and-RSX-work-together-for-best-results-News--a0001332-p0.php
for 2007 ps3 owners dont have much to brag about 360 and in some cases wii owners do have something but im just looking at all the games as one right now not indiviually as for the ps3 because untill later in the year around november and after 2008 the titles that i want will be avalible and if you own all three consoles congratulations your so cool have fun and try not to overdose.
true but i personally am not concerned with the games out now in terms of ps3 next gen because as i predicted and i bet my friend 25$ that most of the games that come out in the first year arent gonna be next-gen and i was right these games that are being made are behind ps3's technology due to the fact that folks that work on the console dont have knowledge of how to properly build a game for it yet to its full capabilities (Sony's fault for not preparing developers for the console) anyway after the new year games that can be truly called next gen for ps3 will be here
ok now your taking us back to the dark ages shouldnt we already be falling in love with 1080p and 7.1 surround sound or we should love the old stuff because its what were used to i mean are we sure that were ready for next-gen or did it come to soon? but i understand games like NBA live and NHL those have been multi-platform franchises for years but if your not gonna change what you do then you have to change how you do it. make next-gen your friend and not something you fear because its here to stay forget the past ps3 is now
im saying if you want to get the best quality for a game it has to be an exclusive multi-platforms dont bring out the best in either consoles. exclusives are what next-gen needs (nothing to do with cost)
Development for ps3 to 360 of course it takes more time and more difficult to work with because the technology is brand new im not arguing that fact. but 360 and ps3 two different consoles that are totally different and multi-platforms for these systems cannot be done anymore and little do you know that developers think the same way a game is made on 360 can be made on ps3 totally not the case multi-platforms are a thing of the past exclusives are the future 360 makes better games for now because the technology is what developers are used to making games for. Ps3 better entertainment system 360 better gaming system their is no arguing that but the 360 is weak in comparison to the ps3. has nothing to do with games built in wi-fi and free online speaks for itself f.y.i not a racing game fan unless its need for speed so i wouldnt know anything about dirt
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