Firstinstimct's forum posts
What about those people who bought a 360 for the dvd player. Lol @ dvds. The ps2 took care of that 11 years ago.What about those who bought the PS3 just for it's bluray player?
3-5% ylod vs 40-54% rrod.Yes they will be inflated, but so will PS3 sales because of YLOD (admittedly, not as much, but there is no way to measure that, so just ignore both)
The button angles are perfect, the suze is perfect. All they need to do is tweak the triggers. I dont want a big and bulky controller that screams "im a virgin"how about a controller developed for ergonomics in mind, better button angle...etc Biometric ideas put forth there are stupid I play a game to play a game not have such inaccuracy cause im stressed.
[QUOTE="NOMAD_78"]Actually i dont expect the next gen to be way a head pcs of its time...ps4 and xbox 720 is in the labs right now...that means it is propably getting on of the next gpu gen of ati...something like a 7890 HD raedeon or sthin...together with a 4-6 core processor each running 2 threads and a 2 gigs of ddr3 ram..and here u are the ps4... I was shocked when i Wii U specs were revealedGTR12
LMAO, dont expect those specs, it'll be a 5570 at best.
I cant name a single pc game that takes advantage of all those useless specs. Developers dont put effort into pc games because it will get pirated by 80% of the people who play it. I played crysis on a $3000 rig and it wasnt worth the $3000 spent for it.
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