IT Course and moving house. Not yet but soon.
by Fishbrain8 on Comments
Hey everyone. In my last blog i mentioned the IT course i went for and how it was weird cos i din't get the first letter taht i was meant to. Well today i got that letter. I've filled it in and tomorrow when i go to school i'm gonna hand it in and then i'll be officially in the course. Now for the moving house part. Well my mum's only renting the house we're in at the moment and the guy said he wants to sell it. I don't know when or why but he is gonna sell it. I went out with my mum this morning to get some medicine and when we got back there was sign in the front yard saying "For Sale" We weren't expecting the sign to go up today but it did. So now my mum is looking for a house with enough space for me, her and my two sisters and one brother. Anyway, I'm still playing Final Fantasy XII. It's a lot longer than i thought it would be and levelling up is essential to be able to win this game. It's still really fun. I haven't played any other games cos i really, really want to finish it. And I get an awesome christmas present...maybe. So my uncle and auntie and their baby are coming down from Queensland to spend Christmas with us(I live in victoria, you might wanna check a map of Australia if you have no idea what I'm talking about) and when they go back i might be going with them. It'll be so nice and warm up there compared to down here where i live. It's meant to be Spring but it's still cold and raining!:( And I've nearly gotten over the cold. I've still got a bit of a cough but that'll go soon. The only problem is i couldn't work over the weekend so I've got no money to buy all the games that i want. Thanks for reading and i'll cya 'round.