First week back at school...the best thing has definitely been catching up with all my friends. Besides has sucked. My class has been giving absolutely tons of maths homework and its really annoying. We don't even finish our current work and the teacher is handing out more work. I'm coping with it though...its annoying but still easy...only cos its the start of a new topic. It'll get harder.
In English we're reading a book called Runner. It's an okay book...I guess. We've got to mark places mentioned in the book on a map, doing chapter summaries and answer a few question. All easy enough.
Philosophy has been kinda boring.
And Physics sucks. Except for when we had it yesterday. Our normal teacher was away so we had a substitute. And it was awesome cos the sub was Mr. Kuhn. He was my maths and science teacher last year and he is easily the coolest and best teacher ever. So he let us mess around all class. And in the Chemistry class the teacher lost control. So our two classes were messing around the whole was good fun.
I had my IT course today. Caught up with some more friends. And also did lots and lots of work. It was all importing/exporting files and documents between MS Word, MS Excel, and MS Access. It was kinda boring and confusing but Stan took us through it step by step so we figured everything out.
The information night for the GAP year with the defence forces is still postponed and they haven't settled on a date yet. I'm looking forward to the IT Taster program and the Games Expo. The Taster program is a day where we go to the uni and learn what its like working in an IT environment. The Games expo is all about gaming. It has designing, developing, animation...everything. It actually goes over two days. The second day is on a weekend so I'm gonna ask for the day off work so I can go to it...that day is also when they have the game competitions.
I can't wait for tomorrow. We've got futsal again and we're playing against a friends team. They beat us last time. This time we're gonna win though. Even if we don't win though we'll have a fun time...we always do.
Well I stopped writing the story I was writing. I've started on something else though...I will probably post it here sometime. I haven't done much yet and its setting is totally different from the other story.
Not this sunday but the sunday after, me and a bunch of friends are planning to go to the movies. I think there's gonna be about ten of us. We're all gonna go see X-men Origins: Wolverine. It looks like its gonna be a really good movie. So that should be a really fun day.
I've started playing The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion again. Its a good game...though in a lot of ways Morrowind was better. I've also finished playing The Force Unleashed. In Oblivion i'm mainly trying to get the achievements for my gamerscore. I've also go t the game for PC which is better because of all the Mods. Once I'm done with Oblivion i'm thinking of Playing Splinter Cell Double Agent. I'm a massive fan of the Splinter Cell games. I've played both version of Double Agent and I honestly think the PS2 version of its better than the 360 version.
I've also been thinking of what to do after i'm done with school. I've still got a few years until I really need to make up my mind but it can't hurt thinking about it now. This is what i'm thinking about:
- Writing. Not for a newspaper or journalism. Novels and stories.
- Maybe something in IT. Afterall i am doing the IT course...and it s pretty fun
- Or Hospitality. Back of House I get to cook....and don't have to deal with customers.
- Maybe Military. Navy or Army...I'd rather stay on the ground then be in the air.
- A small chance for science. Only chemistry or biology though...i really hate physics. I've heard psychology is good...I might look into that. I know some people who do it so i'll ask them about it.
So yeah...narrowed it down to about 6 options...and none of them really have anything to do with each other at all.
Besides all that I've been relaxing at home, hanging out with friends, listening to music, been on MSN...not too much else.
Thanks for reading and I'll cya 'round