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Well that was a much longer break than I expected...

Hey everyone! It's been ages since I've been on. I've just had no time at all.No idea where to start...

School: School has been school. But its nearly then end of the year. Two more weeks after tomorrow. Next week and the following monday is exams. The end of the second week is year 11 orientation, then i get to pick up my report. I've settled on subjects for next year. I'm doing Maths Methods (Hardest Maths), English Expression (Normal English), Chemistry, Physics, Outdoor Ed, and Year 12 Biology. I did have other subjects chosen but...well...i'm in indecisive so i had to change them all lol.

Sport: I've still been doing a lot of sport. Karate a few times a week, Futsal once a week, and rowing training pretty much everyday. The training for rowing is really hard and intense. We have weights twice a week, ergos (rowing machines) twice a week, and every weekend we're travelling to get to water to actually row on as the lake where I live is pretty empty.

Weather: It's spring!...and its gonna be a very hot summer. We've been having like 30-35 degree days and its just boiling. Especially when we row (I've got a tan line). I can't wait until summer. I'll be going to the pool pretty much everyday, thats if i'm not rowing.

Gaming: This is very very sad...I have played very little if any games the past few months. But, with the release of Modern Warfare 2 (which i'm yet to get) and Assassins Creed to I'm definitely gonna be spending a few days playing my dust-covered 360.

Writing/Reading: A few of you may remember that I write, and I've finally gotten around to writing more and typing it up. It wasn't much more but still. And now I feel like writing again so it'll probably end up having a few more pages added to it. Now for the awesome news: Matthew Reilly finally released another book. It was the Five Greatest Warriors ( A follow on to "Seven Ancient Wonders" and Six Sacred Stones") and it was awesome. I'd been waiting for probably 3 years for that book to come out and it was worth the wait. He just has an awesome way of writing with so many unexpected twists and turns and dare-devil stunts. I loved it.

Other: Umm...well i'm thinking I'll update my avatar and profile banner...they're old. Not sure what i'll do though...maybe something Assassins Creed. But it should be fun, I haven't used GIMP for ages. And what else. Oh yeah last week was my girlfriends and mine 6 month anniversary. We didn't get to do much though. We had a long weekend at rowing and a hot day at school that day so we pretty much just crashed for the night. It was good. The school is still making us all think about careers and I;ve still got no idea *sigh* hmm...there's probably tons more that I haven't mentioned but I just can't think of anything.

Anyway, how is everyone? What have you been up to? I'd check past blogs but...that'd be a lot to catch up on.

So yeah...I'm back...not sure for how long seeing I'll be pretty busy especially over the next two weeks but i'll try and get on every now and then.

Thanks for Reading