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What has the world come to?

I was reading the news paper before work this morning and read an article. Here's an extract from it:

FOUR prep school students, none more than six years old, have been suspended after they bashed an older student at a primary school.

The injured Heidelberg Primary School boy, 10, was taken to hospital with head injuries as a result of the attack.

Assistant regional director Bruce Armstrong, from the state education department, said the students, all aged about six, had wrestled a grade four student to the ground.

Mr Armstrong told 3AW radio the boy "may have hit his head" on the ground, before the students continued attacking him as he lay on the floor.

The full article is here if you wanna read it:,21985,24754757-661,00.html

Seriously little kids shouldn't be doing stuff like that. They should be running around and having fun. If those kids are like that now imagine how they'll be when they get older if they don't get any help now. I just couldn't believe that article.

Anyway i said in my last blog i might be moving houses. Well, I am. My mum found a nice, big house and we're moving in next weekend. I'll still be online this week but once it gets to the weekend you won't see me for a while.

Besides that nothing much is happening. I've got a work X-mas party on Monday night which will be awesome and then schools nearly over for the year. I've been reading The Night Angel Trilogy by Brent Weeks and its awesome. I got the first two books and was gonna buy the third but i was told not to cos no one really knows what to get me for christmas. That's about all.

Thanks for reading and I'll cya 'round.