So its been forever since I updated....Just being a responsible adult and such and being married and things. Squeezing gaming in there every once and awhile
So its been forever since I updated....Just being a responsible adult and such and being married and things. Squeezing gaming in there every once and awhile
My fiance' and I were at Gamestop last week,I was getting Madden 10 and she wanted some M$ points. There was a man in there wanting to trade in his 360(it worked perfectly),but apparently he wasnt satified with the amount of cash he was going to get since they deduct liek 20% or something for taking cash. So he looked like he needed help. After he left the store,I walked outside and approached him. I asked how much he was wanting for it. He said he would take $150 or so. He then opened up to me and told why he ws selling it(I didnt ask,but he told me anyways.) He told me his son had recently passed away(I believe he said he was 17. Died in a car wreck.) and he had a daughter that was 25 and had no use for it. So he said they were selling stuff that didnt have sentimental value to him and his wife. So I told him to wait a sec and I told my wife to go get $200 out of the closest atm. As my wife was gone,I was small talking with the man. You could tell the man was very very distrought about the loss of his son(as you would naturally expect) My wife returned with the $$ and I gave the man $200 for the 360. He thanked me alot. I got his number and told him that we should all get together sometime ofr dinner. I called him yesterday and me,my fiance,him, and his wife are going out to eat tomorrow night.
Idk but i had this feeling when I started talking to this man and I just felt compelled to help him grieve and help him take his mind off of the situation. I felt and still feel very good about what I did.
Have you ever had a similar experience?
Sup guys! Crazy busy at work! But Madden is coming out Friday!!! w00t! How else is getting it???
And I'm going to be getting married in about 2 1/2 months. Be super busy working 45+ hours a work. Luckily, The Economy hasnt affected me! Going to the Bahamas for our Honeymoon!
Gaming wise- Not really too much,haha but My brother bought UFC Undisputed and brought it up,Its so much fun. Playing a little Red alert 3 also.Recently bought Halo Wars and Sacred 2...Sacred 2 is kinda Im digging Halo Wars.. Thinking about going back and playing some of my olde games just for s&g's!
PEace !
Those of you that know me,know I dont really trade games that often but...I did trade in Too Human for some credit(approx. $25.00) towards Dead Space.!
Its just as good if not better than everyone says it is!
Involving the topic.....Aparently.."Boo, I've been Dead Spaced" and $$$+Too Human=Dead Space were already taken. The first one I understand,but the second one....guess Im not the only genius on Gamespot
So Im am now fully healed from my previous eye injury and work has picked up. Im back to 45+ hours a week. My fiance' applied several weeks ago to be a teller at a bank and so hopefully she can get that job. My little brother(He is 17, im 26) is coming to visit today and he is going to stay until Monday. Long weekend so hes outta school. We will probably go catch a movie or 2(us 3, cant forget the fiance') and well will play some games or something. Im kinda excited to hve him up here for the weekend. (the last ime i saw him was christmas, as we are 5 hours apart.)So its going to be fun having him here. I think were going to go see Babylon A.D. tonite. Its been getting terrible reviews but I'll be the judge of that.
Gaming- Haven't really gotten to game too much lately, But I did pick up Too Human. Its keeping me entertained. Kinda wish Mercs 2 was out so me and my bro could paly it this weekend,but its isnt so what do you do? Although I could buy Castle Crashers and the 3 of us could play.......
Until later
Be Fitt
So I got back from the beach just in time to get caught up on work and have time to watch G4 and watch there E3 coverage. I must say im glad im a 360 owner. Super excited about the fall update and the upcoming games coming out. Looking forward to Gears 2,Fable 2,Fallout 3, Sacred 2, Halo Wars, Resident Evil 5.
So I had am unfotunate eye accident at the beach. Long story short, I got so much sand in my eye that I became almost blind, Went to the emergenct room and they flushed my eye out, so its all good now. It was sore for a couple of days though.
1. GTA4 is awesome and the main storyline is almost over for me.
2.Looking forwaord to the Bourne game. Played the demo and loved it, never read the books, but saqw all 3 movies. It looks pretty solid.
3.Me and my fiance are going to the beach in a bout 3 week with her family. Excited that ill get off work for awhile.
4.Speaking of wrok it hasnt been as busy as normal and so im not AS stressed out as I was several months ago.
If you wanna play some multiplayer let me know!
From the topic description my last 2 weeks have consisted of waching my favorite show on DVD(Frisky Dingo) and playing GTA4.
Behold Killface!!!on the Front of the Season 1 DVD case. Going to go play GTA4 more now later bye
Not really much going on lately. Staying busy with work and the fiance.
I've just really spent alot of time with the fiance, haven't really been on the site or gaming lately.
However, I called in sick today at work and stayed home and played some Frontlines: Fuels of War. I really like this game alot. Multiplayer is fun aswell. Probably going to get R6V2 sometime this week. Also, Ozzdog12 recommended Viking: Battle of Asgard to me so I may try it out aswell. Really just waiting until GTA4.
O yeah: Frisky Dingo Season1 is coming out on DVD soon!!!
The fitts
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