My g/f and I just went to the Gamestop and She wanted to get a game for her, she said she wants to play the"BIG" games, so She looked around and I helped her out and so We got Kameo and Viva Pinata. So if you see my Gamerscore with Kameo and Viva achievements,they probably aren't from me.
Alot of bad rep has been put out for Two Worlds, kinda afraid to even try it. I love RPG and I never played Oblivion cuz I didn't have an Xbox then. So I guess I'll wait and see.
Beat Bioshock last nite- Awesome, Gonna go back and get all the achievements in it. Only need 6 more!!!!
Other news-It's my G/f b-day 2 days after Halo 3,so I won't get to play too much of it before her B-day, I work the nite of it's release and I gotta go to a meeting the day after. Then it's her B-day. After her B-day,we are going to Pennslyvania to see her sister.
"FOMM"(Fitts O'Malley Man)