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Club House Games (DS)

... first and formost my pc is ill and dying. i may not correct allerrors i make in spelling or whatever because it takes 5 seconds to add a period to a sentance aline up. YES my pc is that laggy!!...

empty, vacant.

The online  for club house game is all but deserted. you can only find company for just about 5 games and nothing more.
iv owned the game since friday, and have no online friends. why? because no one has it! the game isnt bad. in fact its prety damn good. it has 42 games on it, all but about 7 of them are online. why the hell dont more people have it and play online. the game had a very basic chat function for random online matches. you can give quick pre writen/typed responses, which can be customized by color and size. no its not free talking to a 'stranger' but its aloot more then what mph gives you to comunnacate with your rivals. and a planet more then what mario kart gives.
the game costs aroung 35 bucks which is kinda alot for a touch generation game. but for god will some one BUY IT! the game is amazing. and inneed people to play aginst and defeat (hopefuly).