Fixfs' forum posts
spire is a good hunter with a powerful afinity(?) wepon.
hes col but too slow for me so i use sylux or trace.
the best hunter is the one that compliments you.
I just got Club House Games on thursday. its amazing
Really an overlooked game. i need Frineds for wifi
any one will do. i dont mind losing (makes you better rite?)
my code is in the sig (ClubHG)
i need to add to my friend list
my info is :1632.7630.2588
name is locke
add me i add you 124614713051 town harford name alexzelda5555
ok i did.
gates are still open
Wlcome all!
name: Helio
town: Eros
code: 2019-2420-0666
i have all fruit
my friend code is in my sig
my gate is open
town: Eros
Name: Helio
code: 2019 2420 0666
my town frut is: oranges
bringa a fruit plz
my gate is open now
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