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Counter Points and thoughts

Here is part one of me making Counter Points about people who think they're awesome, but not.

Todays Victim: DBZAddicted
This guy is a "Patriot" one who thinks USA is perfect without flaws. Today, using bits from posts of his I will counter-point him without calling him anything.

Blog Post: My opinion is that the United States of America would still be remaining as the Superpower. Why? Let's think about it, the United States does not have much history, but the U.S. is already a richest and strongest and most developed nation on the planet. Besides, other than America, who is so good at handling the wars?

Firstly, the first sentence makes no sence. Second, the US doesn't have much of a History eh? Are you sure you didn't pay attention in US History? Third, Richest and Strongest nation, most developed. Well, if we are so rich, then why are gas prices are so rediculously high? If were so strong, then how did 9/11 happen? Developed, hmmmm, I'd say more nieve. As for the wars, well, were not good at handling them at all. Yay Democracy in Iraq, YAY CIVIL WAR!

And well, as the time passes, more enemies try to face America and her allies. Terrorists in South America, Middle-East, Southern Asia, etc, China increasing their military budget(Still not confirmed why), Russia kind of threatening the nations including the U.S., etc.

The Time.......more enemies? Most of the enemies we have right now, are ones we've had since the 80's. Terrorists in South America, now that is racist, so people are jumping the border and so they're terrorists now. Middle-East, more like Al-Quida. Southern Asia, hmm Vietnam ring any bells? Ect......nice. China increasing military budget, I wonder why, it certainly be becuase they are the Trade capital of the world, you see your Computer? Made in China probably, China has a lot more money than the US does. Russia KIND of threatening the nations. Yeah, Russia is threatening THE NATIONS! The Nations, yeah im sure Russia is laughing at our faces, even if they are friendly towards us. Once again, racism.

Oh well, but I have faith in America, and I am a Christian, so I always pray to the Lord Jesus Christ and God, our father for my people, and America, so I have nothing to worry, really. Oh ya, God Bless the U.S.A.

Who's your people? Eagles? "so I have nothing to worry" I what I find hilarious is how you say people aren't from America becuase of messy English, when your sentence structure is worse than my 9 year old brother's. Also, im preety sure lots of people said that before the 9/11 attacks. God Bless the US, the most ignorant thing ever, "GOD IS ON OUR SIDE!" if there is a god, then he's NUETRAL! I also hope he knows Christianity started near the Middle-East.

I JUST LOVE TO BLOW UP EVERYTHING AND SHOO LIKE MAD. (oh Jeez, I believe I really am an American)

Shoo like mad? Hmmmm. This single sentence is the reason no one likes the US.


Just about everything he says here is pure.....I dunno, Hogwash?


Did he call the US an EMPIRE! Bush must be Palpatine, exept, as a redneck.

"Without America, there would be No Justice in this world. We Preserve Freedom. We are Americans."

Without America, the world would of been a lot more peaceful. If you mean that Justice is killing thousands of innocent civilians to end a war, then yes, that it true. Funny, we Preserve freedom, and people jump the border and you call them terrorists.

Thats the end of the rant, I don't care if you report abuse, I have the right to say what I want and I don't care if you say im wrong. I just don't give a ****

PS. Castro is Cuban, and he was close to being a pitcher for the NY Yankess, Ironic I know.