Heyyy! How are you guys doing? Been a long time since I last saw you, and you last saw me. And you all know the reason. I was spending my vacation at Sweden and it was pretty awesome. I have lots of stories and pictures to show, but I still must get my photos from the Pen Drive; as soon as I do it, I'll drop it on my images section, and if you wanna view it, just do it. Anyways, I've got plenty of stories to tell and updates to do, so what am I waiting for?
Overall, Sweden is much better and cooler than Brazil; there's lots of different stuff that I never saw in my life, like a recycling system that the country adopted: you insert plastic or glass bottles in a recycling machine and you get money from it. O_o Very interesting, in my opinion. But actually I don't even know if this system exists there in the countries where you live. :P Apart from that, there's also many other cool stuff that I can't even remember them all. I did many different things there too, things I never done in my life! Like rapelling, kneeboarding... it was Amazing. I shall show you all everything. Those are the coolest things. But I didn't even told you about the aquatic park, the center of the city... the beautiful girls... B) Dude, all the people in that country are beautiful. Just... crazy. AH! I almost forgot!! I now wear glasses!-> o-o And a new watch.
I had great new gaming experiences in Sweden. Since my sister's husband got a Wii, I got plenty of time to enjoy it! And since I never had any of these new 3rd gen Systems, only my PS2, I was amazed in every moment of my playing; Graphics were much better, as well as gaming controls! I managed to fully complete two Wii games, and only one game that I played wasn't completed. I completed Splinter Cell: Double Agent and NFS ProStreet, in the Wii! Also got a quick view of Sega Bass Fishing.
All of these games were pretty good and entertaining, Spliter Cell was the best. I never played any of the games from the Splinter Cell series and now I'm already a fan... what a great game. I recommend, and maybe I will write a review for this and the other games soon.
Meh, I got lots of PMs while I was out. friend and union requests, ya know. So I must organize myself, isn't it?
Friend requests - Accepted them. Just check my blog once in a while everyone!
Union requests - Declined most of them. I think I only accepted the one for the Emblems Union. Couldn't be a charter member on the Bat Cave Tikiz, sorry - I just never really liked Batman that much so I wouldn't be a good officer...
My Union - I will demote all members and resign myself so I can start the forming process all over again, from the beggining. Since the charter member recruiting started getting a mess and GS started being glitchy with me, that will be the only solution for me.
That's it. Those are my updates for now, I'M BACK! :D:D
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