Oh s*it. Yes, I said S*it. Do you remember that union I was going to form? It won't come for a while. Because of one fu......n' glitch. I'll explain you: I got enough people that accepted to form the union with me, but everytime I get to the "invite charter members page" GS tell me that tikiz (one of those who would be an officer) is affiliated with or invited to the maximum # of unions. Yes, I already PMed him and he already got rid of the invitations. But GS keep showing me that message!... WTF. I'm really really p***ed of with that. GameSpot, why did you did this to me? Now, I can wait this glitch to get fixed, or wait to see if more people comment in this blog and accept to be a charter member.
So, If you can help me with that and be a charter member of my union, comment here. :)