Yes, that's the game i'm currently playing. I've heard of the game from a friend of mine who has the second one. I played with him and enjoyed it a lot! Right after the day i was in his house, my dad came to send me back home when i asked him to stop at the game store. No GH2 - but the GH3 was there. I thinked to myself then - let's get the 3 to have an experience at diferent songs.
I love music, but i never really really liked rock. After aquiring my first Guitar Hero, i started liking it. Now my MP4 is full of it and i hear it all the time. The only thing that make the game a LITTLE bit worse is that it becomes monotonous in as certain time. But i'm still playing... practicing to become a "hard" dificulty player like my friend! Or even an "expert"! No, expert is quite too dificult... but oh well, is good to dream sometimes, isn't it? :)