1st: If you are against piracy, simply don't do it. I can guarantee that no one has changed their mind by participating in or reading this forum. 60% of all Internet usage across the world is done by... guess what Torrenting. And that is not even beginning to add in other P2P programs. Thepiratebay.org is one of the top 10 most visited sites across the world, yes THE WORLD. SO, you're telling me that anything we're saying here or that any company anywhere is doing to stop piracy is doing anything? HELL NO!
2nd: C&C 3, yes I tested out the game (because the recent EA spin-off of command & conquer after buying westwood was such crap) But after realizing the true awesome factor, I did go on to buy the game. Anyone with a soul will do that. Just like with V for Vendetta, or even some Dragonforce albums. After "testing" them I thought that the owners and publishers deserved my money in response to a great product. I simply refuse to pay anyone (EA included) top dollar for anything that is sub-standard.
3rd: Downloading Games through torrenting is the single most retarded thing you can do. Not only do they often times come with errors such as " Conflict with emulation software detected" but they also are the easiest thing to track: What was downloaded, with what IP address, where (down to your house), and at what time. Anyone on at EA can legally hack onto a torrenting site (Since the sites themselves are illegal) and look the the log file. Also think about this, C&C3 takes up something like 8.5 Gigs, so what happens when your ISP is looking and says "What have they been doing to transfer 200 Kbps for the last 2 days? Oooooh that's not legal" BAM! they drop you from service and contact EA with all of your info.
Guys, this forum is not going anywhere, so know this.
Pirateers: Keep going and have fun while you're doing it, just remember to support products you enjoy.
Anti-Pirateers: Remember that even though Music and Movies are hard to trace, Software and applications are quite simple to trace, and companies nowadays have people specifically set up just to look for it. If they haven't been caught already, many American downloaders will be caught.
Just my two cents,
Flame_Co Blog
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