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FlamingFartz Blog

I Need More Friends On GameSpot. xD

I've used gamespot for the most part as a place to keep my collection on for people to see,the wishlist, and to just look at games, reviews, previews etc, but I need to get some friends on here! It's boring otherwise :P

Getting Fed Up With the Xbox 360.

Im sick and tired of the **** that keeps happening to me with my 360. First I had a problem where my motherboard blew up and i had to sent it out to repair. Now none of my games will **** update! It keeps kicking me off and because I cleard my system cache i cant play any games. If this problem persists im selling that **** to gamestop and buying a ps3.

End rant.

- Yours truly



Whats your GOTY 09?

Mines is assassins creed 2. It was perfect for me. 10/10. Im gunna do a review soon.

What was your GOTY? Put a comment below or put your own BLOG!

Games i want to get for 2009/2010 so far.

Modern warfare 2 :). The first had great single player and very addicting multiplayer. cannot WAIT FOR THIS! pre ordered the Prestige edition :D.

Halo: ODST. i'm a fan of the halo series having everyone except for halo 2 (Beat it on co-op at a friends never had an orginal xbox.) and halo wars so i don't see why i wouldn't pick this one up.

Bioshock 2. I LOVED. the first bioshock.

Dragon age origins. After reading up a bit on this it seems really good and i'd like to pick it up :).