MS is simpy beyond help. They have proven over the last weeks that they clearly want to lose by default at the start of the new generation. Fine by me. PS4 here I come.
But at least we get a lot of laughs out of them these days.
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MS is simpy beyond help. They have proven over the last weeks that they clearly want to lose by default at the start of the new generation. Fine by me. PS4 here I come.
But at least we get a lot of laughs out of them these days.
I'm strongly looking forward to this game and I really want to play this with my friends all the way through starting tomorrow. I haven't really read any reviews or anything, but someone mentioned to me that only secondary missions are playable in co op.
Is this true? And what exactly does this mean? What is the distribution between 'secondary' and 'primary' missions? Will we still be able to play most of this game together?
I appreciate your answers.
I had the most fun with Tales of Xillia and Dark Souls, but there a a lot of games that I haven't played yet. Skyrim wasn't that fun to me, mainly because the framerate on my PS3 version was terrible almost all the time.
Devil May Cry 4: Credo. "I am an angel!!!" Best boss fight the game has to offer. Very climatic, lots of cool quotes, not too easy and that guy just looks way too kick-ass.
Tales of Vesperia: This game has a lot really cool and climatic boss fights. Best ones are by far the fights against Schwann and Alexei. The characters itself stand out so much, it feels really great being finally able to fight them. Also the Schwann fight starts with a very big surprise which makes you wonder if you are even supposed to bring him down or not.
No More Heroes 2: Margaret, "Reaper, reaper, thats what people call me..." Addicting song, stylish boss, cool fight. My favourite assassin of the series.
Resident Evil 4: Krauser (especially the quick-time knife fight is extremely epic)
Resident Evil 5: Wesker (again the quick time event in the plane is my favourite part of that boss)
Tales of Graces: First Richard fight. Very, very, very climatic and emotional, not to mention the superb anime sequence after the fight. The high point of the game.
Tales of the Abyss: First Asch fight, final Asch fight, final boss, I am able to ingore the flaws of this game if I think back to these fights.
Tales of Symphonia: First time you enter the Tower of Salvation, very entertaining bosses await you.
Dawn of the New World: Second Richter fight was really cool, but this game also has a lot of cool bosses.
Kingdom Hearts 2: Every boss the final dungeon has to offer. This is the reason why I love this game, yeah its mostly because of the final dungeon. xD
Eternal Sonata: All Fugue fights. I love that guy.
Yeah I could go on, but this is the best of the best in my opinion.
Thanks for the ideas so far. I appreciate it.
Well, I am not a big Batman fan, but Arkham Asylum definitely catched my eye, and it will most likely be the first game to get now if I hunger for a good action adventure.
I also just watched a review about Grandia 2, and while I have my problems with the graphics of older games (yeah shame on me, I actually think graphics are important up to some point xD), the voice acting seems to be quite good and the game looks fun. And if it has good voice acting, fighting good villains is 5 x more fun. So I think its worth a purchase.
I thought about playing FF6 before, and just because I heard how awesome Kefka is, but like I said before, graphics and more importantly good voice acting make a game way more fun for me. But older games arent really to blame for that, and I might just overcome this to play FF6 one day, just for Kefka. :3
At first I had the anime/manga in mind when reading about berzerk, but then I found out there actually is an old atari game named like this.^^ But I dont think thats my kind of game. xD
And lastly about Metal Gear and Heavenly Sword. While I own a Ps2, I dont have a Ps3, and so I cant play Heavenly Sword and I dont know if I want to start with Mgs until I can play all 4 games (that means until I get a ps3, but that can take a while). But I know about the Mgs villains, and I love most of them.
Well done antagonists are very important to me. Too bad, most of the games I recently played just suck at that topic, like the bad guys are just horrible, or not even existing for most of the game. And that just reached its peak with FF13. I am 25 hours in into that game, and all boss fights so far were against gigantic monsters or robots, and I mean all, not even 1 fight against an interesting character, not 1 cool confrontation, that just blows. The game also doesnt seem to treat its antagonists with any love so far. There is much more I could rant about FF13, but thats not the point here. xD
So, well, I would love to hear some suggestions. Which games do you think feature a fantastic group of villains? I am mainly talking about rpg titles here but there are also other games with interesting villains. For reference, I think Tales of Vesperia has very well done evil guys. There is a big cast, everyone is different and fun, and you fight like every second boss battle against one of these guys. Other cool guys I can think of are No More Heroes assassins, Organisation 13 from Kingdom Hearts 2, or simply awesomeness personificated: Albert Wesker.
Guess I'm about the only one here who really likes quick time events. And there are several reasons:
1. Cool surprise moments when you just put your controller away during a scene for a sec.
2. Funny dying scenes (dying against Wesker during a quick time event in RE5 was just epic, like he impales you or breaks your neck with a swift swing of one hand xD)
3. It just adds to the tension and makes it more interesting for me. Like when they are fighting in a cutscene and doing this extremely awesome moves I could never even hope to do in the game, it feels cool to do those quick time events. I loved RE 4 for them. Krauser knife fight anyone? That are 8 QTEs in one short fight. One error kills you. :D
After reading all this, I must say I am really happy to have no younger brother or sister. I would probably freak out about everything he has done to you. Let's start with deleting a save, at best some rpg you put forever into playing, and he just goes to your console and messes your save up... would be hard for me to control myself, really hard.
I treasure (most of) my games, and its good that my parents just leave my stuff alone. I even start complaining when they just put it somewhere else or get it out of order. xD But seeing some dude destroying a game or even a whole system and not even feeling a slightest bit sorry... friendship would end there, and for the stupid brother, revenge would definitely follow.
And I most likely wouldn't let it come so far. If he wants to play I would say no. If he whines I wouldn't care, throw him out of my room and lock the door. If he would go crying to mom and dad, I would tell them that he is freaking 7 years old and that he wanted to play some 16 and 18+ games. I even would invite them to look what funny things I can do to those zombies or how I can dismember that guy with my chainsaw... Problem most likely solved. People who are not trustworthy should never have anything to do with your precious stuff, even (or especially) if they are kids.
And I simply can not imagine that if you would go to your parents and tell them that he (willingly) destroyed your belongings with a worth of about 500 $, that they wouldn't do anything or even punish you if you try to keep your brother away from it. What would your parents do if he broke their TV?
Star Ocean 4. Feels epic, but also: evil foreshadowing...
Bioshock also really made an impression. As Ryan was comparing all those societies and then says "But I... I chose the impossible! I chose Rapture!". And during that very moment you get to see the city for the first time. It's just such a bam epic moment that fits perfectly with the spoken words. Definitely the most memorable moment of the game.
I watched 9 episodes or so and I can understand why it is so popular in Japan. It features an anime gaming nerd as a main character who is on top of that extremely moe. The whole Anime is extremely moe. Bind these 2 facts and some jokes which only 50 % of the non-japanese audience will get together and you got your top otaku anime. But you also shouldn't miss on the sexual references, so you can get a ton of hentai out of this.
I didn't like Lucky Star that much. It's meant to be funny but I found myself not laughing way too often. The drawing style is cute and the main character is something special (and she reminds me a bit of my nerdyness :3), but all in all it simply can't compare to comedy kings like School Rumble, Full Metal Panic or Gintama (it's also very hard to get all the jokes here, but the comedy is on a whole different level).
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