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Flaming_Ape Blog

I saw Hot Fuzz!!

A pretty good movie I must admit, even though it started out to be a bit...confusing.

It's another one of those movies where it starts out on the cold side, then it gets to be a bit hilarious.  Fortunately for those of you who want to see this movie and have already seen Shaun of the Dead, Hot Fuzz still has the good ol' gore and language, all coming from people who speak with a largely noticeable British-accent.

For those of you who want to know the funniest parts or for those of you who've already seen this film and want to compare what you think with me, look up the spoiler (it contains the parts in which I thought were the funniest):


*When the drunk guy in the bar pees through his pants

*Whenever it shows those people in the black costumes on every corner, and they always end up killing the residents in a very, very gory way (ex: When the person in the black costume pulls a sharp piece off of the top of the church and drops it on one of the cops (the sharp part lands on his head and blood goes all over the place)

*That part when Angle is in the bar and he finds a bunch of underage kids and he arrests all of them (and one of those kids is nerdy and weird)

*When Angle jumps up and kicks out the old lady who is firing a rifle at him

*That part when Angle encounters the redneck-speaking person, and he ends up having a huge load of guns in his barn

*When Angle's father (the pope/priest) tells Angle to stop all the gun violence, but then the pople says "Oh, f*** off* then he pulls out 2 pistols and tries to kill Angle and his fat guy sidekick (forgot his name), but the pope eventually gets shot.

*Many other parts (I don't want to name the rest)


But if you haven't seen this movie, you shouldn't look up the reveals spoilers. :P

I would highly recommend that you go see this movie, even if you haven't seen Shaun of the Dead yet.  In reality, I actually think Hot Fuzz is better than Shaun of the Dead, but that's just my opinion.

It's my birthday today (I turn 15)

Just to remind all of you late readers on this entry, today is April 23.

Well now I finally turned 15, and I'm glad that I'm past the conflicting ages of 13 and 14.  All I have to hope now is that 15 doesn't turn out to be a bad age either, but I should live through it normally.

And now on the details of the partying: I actually celebrated my birthday with my family on Saturday (April 21), but my real birthday is today, which is the 23rd of April.  On Saturday, I went to Dave & Buster's with one of my friends and I had a pretty good time having fun there and eating, then after that we went to my house and we had Oreo ice cream cake from Brooster's.  Then here is the detail on the presents I got:

Totalling all the gift cards and money I got, it was $115 (probably nothing compared to what you others get for your birthdays) and not only that, but I also got Rainbow Six: Vegas (for Xbox 360).  Vegas is definitely one of my favority games for the 360 so far, except though some parts of it can be a tad too hard.  For example, it's impossible to complete a T-Hunt (terrorist hunt) mission on single player, and it pretty much requires that you play it on co-op in order to successfully completed (but out of several times on co-op only 1 t-hunt mission was completed).  As for the single player, it's very fun, but again it can get too hard at parts, like for example, if you expose yourself in the open for only a few seconds, you can die easily.  And I'm only talking about normal diffuculty, as I haven't tried realistic and I'm guessing that's super hard.  I'm just starting to dive into the multiplayer sector of Vegas, and that's pretty fun too, in which you can make your own character and as you advance in rank you'll get new and better parts to your player's uniform and receive better weapons.  It uses real life military ranks as it's level up system.

So that's all I have to say about my 15th birthday, and it's been a really great experience for me.  So feel free to say happy birthday or make a comment about how my birthday was if you want.

2500 posts, quarter way to 10k mark

And if you want to know a somewhat interesting fact about this achievement, is that I've only been on GS for a little over 2 months, and I've already gotten to the quarter way point to 10k.

But most of my posts were posts I had to put thought into, around 50 posts a day and spending a lot of time on GS trying to make them the best quality possible.  I would like to thank all of you people on GS, mostly from the OT and 360 boards, for supporting me on my journey to 10k, and I do know that I'll make it to 10k before I and you know it.  I still have to boost my posts per day count, because I don't know if 50 a day is good enough, and my post count it going up pretty slow recently, so it's time that I start putting more time and activity into posting on GS.

So if you're going to comment on this blog, tell me thoughts about me getting to this point in a little over 2 months.  And I know GSers who post around 100 times a day, but most of them tend to be people who don't give a s*** about the quality of their posts (except for freakyzeeky, he's one of those 100 post per day guys who puts real meaning into his posts and that's how he got all of his popularity).

I would appreciate it if you gave a comment about this blog to either express your thoughts about my achievement or give me tips to get to 10k faster.

Coming back from my first suspension...

If you were wondering why I was gone for the past several days, I was suspended.  A 3 day suspension that is, and it was for illegal activities.  I got suspended because the mods just assumed that LimeWire was illegal :?(I told somebody in a thread saying they were bored, nothing else to do and I told them to download some songs off of LimeWire and enjoy listening to them) and as a result I got a 3 day suspension.

Well that explains something about mentioning LimeWire on GS.  A helpful tip to all you fellow GS'ers: be extremely careful next time if you mention LimeWire in any way, because there is a high chance that a mod that just "assumes" LimeWire is illegal will suspend you for that cause.

Feel free to comment on this entry to tell me what you think.  Was my suspension needed or not?  You tell me.

2k posts

As you can see, I'm a day late on this entry.

This is a post notifying y'all that I've reached 2k posts, and I've only been registered on GS for around a month and a half! :o I know a lot of you think that's nothing compared to what you do, but I've got a new idea, even though it might not work.

I was thinking of boosting my posts a day from 50 to around 70-100, and that'll be in a quicker time.  From now on, I need to start getting more posts using quoting, but at the same time reply to almost every thread I see.

My next post notification will be either in 2.5k posts (quarter way to 10k) or 3k, but I'm yet to decide.  See ya.

Whenever did this emblem appear?

Today when I logged in, I noticed a new emblem on my profile, and I'm surprised that I have it.  Here it is:

Biological Warfare

I have no idea how I got this emblem, but if some of you other GSers' have an idea how and where it came, please tell me how I got this.  I'm not disappointed with it at all, as I'm very happy with a new emblem.  I just have the question of "When did this appear?"

New GIF Sig

It probably looks crappy to some of you, but it's one of my sig works I've worked for well over an hour I better get some people to like it,'ll know what happens next. :evil:

Please comment on this entry and tell me what you think.  Criticism is allowed, but no trolling or flaming.  Thanks.

I saw 300, and here's my review on it

Grade: A (read the whole review to prove I'm not really biased when I say this)

The Good: The battle scenes were the best I've ever seen in a movie in my entire life; the slow motion theme of the movie makes close-up detail on every part; plenty of gore makes this movie super realistic, despite the mythical creatures that are in it

The Bad: It may start out to be a little bit boring; after seeing all the battle scenes you'll wish this movie was extended to 3 hours instead of 2 so that you'll enjoy it even more; battle scenes take place only in one area

***Warning: Partial spoilers maybe contained in review***

This movie starts out when King Leonidas is born and shows what he went through when he was raised, and this includes him even being punished and tortured as a child.  But when he grows up, he suddenly becomes the king of Sparta, the city of the Spartans.

As for the scenes in this movie, I'll first explain the whole "sex and nudity" part of it.  As unfortunate as it may sound to all of you sex-in-movies fans out there, there is one and only sex scene, and the actual sex part only lasts a minute, but the nudity in the sex scene lasts for a few minutes.  But the good news is that you'll see toplessness in a few parts of the movie, and yes, it doesn't include just the sex scene.  You'll see nudity on the oracle, but the oracle isn't bare naked.  You'll see her nudity through her transparent clothes (and this includes nipples).  The last nudity part is when you see dancers (and part lesbians :?) in a tent where the Persian King is.  And all that is the nudity/toplessness, so at least you now have an idea how many times you'll see nudity in this movie.

The battle scenes were the absolute best I've seen in any movie in my entire life, period.  What makes the battle scenes great is not just the massive killing and all that, but it's the slow-motion part of it that makes it superb.  The slow-motion part in the battle scenes shows you every detail on the killing that goes on in the battle scenes, and this includes beheadings (in other words heads flying in the air), legs being sliced off, detailed blood coming out as the Spartans slash the Persians, etc.  There are a total of several battle scenes in the movie that make up the entire battle, and as the movie advances you'll begin to see the Persians get much tougher with their battle tatics, and as a matter of fact they're quite weak in the first battle scene.  And perhaps some of you may even laugh at all wimpy the Persians looked in the first battle scene, as the Spartans just wiped them all off the face of the Earth with no problem.  But as I said before, the Persians get much tougher as the movie advances, and the silver-faced warriors begin to appear in the second battle scene, and they're actually tough enough to actually kill some of the Spartans.

There is a mix of some fiction in this movie, as it does show mythical creatures.  One of the mythical creatures is a greek who wants to join Leonidas but he fails to as he didn't meet the requirements that Leonidas wanted to see.  And there are a couple of other creatures that appear to be on the Persian side, and they're used in battle as the fiercest enemy on the battlefield.

The color and sound of the movie adds to the beauty of this film as well, with the perfect color and sound matching with the theme of each scene in the movie.  Instead of the color being modern looking, it puts more of a dark tone on it to make it look more historical.  And as for the sound, at one part of the movie you'll hear some metal music matching with the battle scene, and this only gets you more excited.

And if you were wondering about how Leonidas is like, the good news is that he doesn't really yell as much as you think he does before you see this movie, as he only does it a few times.  But his yelling isn't only adds excitement to this film.

So if you're looking for a true war/battle movie that contains full detail with tons of gore, excellent color and sound, superb acting, sex, and many other things you look for in a true war/battle movie, 300 is exactly what you're looking for.

Nobody cares about my blog...:(

Guess how many comments I got from other users in my 1st 4 entries?  0!!  And why is it that someone less popular/known than I am gets about 10+ comments per entry?

Do a favor and comment on this blog entry to tell me why this is.  And I'm serious too.

1000 less than 3 weeks of being here...

I've recently achieved a minor accomplishment that's probably somewhat known in the GS community, and now my main to reach 10,000 posts, and to make it more challenging, in less than a year.

This is just a post informing everybody that I'm almost out of noob status, and I'm beginning to enter normal community member status here at GS.  But I'm not quite there yet because I got to raise my level more (I'm currently level 7 as of this blog post).

And to inform y'all, yes, I will have a party here in blog on every 1k post increment I get until I reach 10k, and that'll be the time when the fireworks explode in the sky.

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