wow "halo 2 with better graphics"
i bet can name 10 things that's different and that's just the beta, no other game has this
2.balanced weapons, every weapon has it's uses, atleast that's what all the other ppl who played the beta says.
3.less auto aim, this was very annoying in halo 2 because you couldnt tell the difference in between the average joes and pros. cannon, yea u can say UT has this but can u launch nades across a map and stick someone in UT? or how about launching an entire vehicle across.
5. 3 new gametypes, land grab, vip, and a new totally different territories
6.Support weapons, you move slower and it has a high recoil but, you have a friggin chain gun
7.Spartan laser, look up betalicious and you'll start hyping this game again
8. save film, never done in any games b4, sure pc games have demos but you can't rewind or pause and you can't send it to other friends so this is a big step into next gen imo
9. new physics, unlike other games if you die in the water your body will start floating in the water and so will your weapon if it is light enough and your nades. also being able to launch anything that's movable into the man cannon which has been said b4.
10. small things like being able to move faster but even a bigger thing personnally for me is 90 degrees fov. i was so annoyed that halo 2 had only 60 degrees.
 Thank you this is what i was looking for. someone was willing to tell me facts about the game instead of just bashing me. thanks man. this has raised my hopes for this game a little. not a lot, simply because i am not a big fan of halo. o and for the other guy, i just want to say that i think far cry and fear are more innovative is because they have some kind of big feature that majorely changes the gameplay. the most innovative thing i believe halo has is its grenades system which, i agree, is fantastic. but this feature is seemingly minimal to me when compared to fear's breathtaking, slow motion gunfights or far cry's crazy predatorial abilities and fun (but flawed) stealth system.
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