The whole topic really is a shit show, I'm one of the male gamers that steers clear of it. If you are a woman and you make a great game I will play it.
I also think eye candy in games is fine, lots of cleavage and ripped dudes to go around...what ever your preference is.
Voice commands are great in theory but we're not there yet. It should be able to learn what you want it to do with a tutorial where you ask it to do something and confirm its doing it right or something.
I totally got hooked on Trophies recently, I got a Platinum a few months ago and had to have more. I play games a lot longer than I used to and feel like Im always getting my moneys worth now.
I thought the point about COD being a MP game vs Batman which is more a solo experience was a good one. I do find that a MP game can keep my attention longer because the other players make it so random, I'm also sick of swinging on gargoyles.
I think people should look at reviews as a guideline and pay more attention to the review itself and less to the score it gets.
FlavethesonPE1's comments