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8 minutes and 35 seconds of wisdom (a Cliffy B lovesong)

Gamespots latest episode in "Behind the games" is up and this time its about as good as it can get. The wisest man in the industry, the person I want to become whenI grow up, the man who knows more about what makes a game awesome than anyone else on the planet, Cliff "Cliffy B" Bleszinski is this weeks guest on the show. Everytime this man do an interview its like time stands still. Every word this man has to say is so interesting in my ears that I just stare at him for as long as the interview goes on. Hes not only the worlds greatest gaming genious and blogger. Hes also actually one of the coolest men in the world. Yes, you are right, I do kinda "manlove" this guy. He is about as cool as you can get..and hes a hardcore gamer, lead designer and level designer! I started my Cliffy B loving back when I played Unreal 1 and Unreal Tournament. Back then he made the best multiplayer shooter maps ever made and they still are the best multiplayer shooter maps ever! He then went ahead and made Gears of War what it is today, one of the greatest and most important actiongames ever! No, I´m not homosexual actually but yea, if I were a girl, I would go across the planet to make Cliff have my babies! They would grow up to begaming genoiuses & attention whores with a sharp sense of humor, fashion and how to live your life like you want to!

Anyway. go watch "Behind the games". Cliffy talks about how he got started, what he thinks about the industry, about music, movies and generally showing what a relaxed cool man he is.