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Cliffy B Update- A Bioshock reflection w. Teenage girl gamers with weight issues

Its that time again. Update from Cliffy B´s blog. This time he gives us loads of reasons why Bioshock is GOTY 2007. I agree completely with what he says. I´ve read alot of Bioshock reviews and gutreactions, this is by far the best. Poo on a stick, Teenage girl gamers on Oral B diet, how awesome a spidergun would be, McGuyver, lactose intolerant rosies & Camp Shenanegins! Yep, its Cliff Bleszinski´s final words on Bioshock, the game that will probably turn out to be my game of the year as well unless Mass Effect is exacly as good as it seems to be. The following is a direct quote from http://www.cliffyb.com/ as usual, and as usual alot of his text will be censored sincehis coollanguage isnt allowed on the site. Take it away Cliff:

*UPDATE* Appearantly Gamespots posting system has locked up on "One or more words withing your message was automatically censored" even tho I have gone for over 1 hour manually removing every word that might be even alightly offensive. So I can no longer post the whole blog. Only a prt from it. You can read the rest on his personal site *UPDATE*

"2007-09-08 | final thoughts on bioshock
Bioshock is hands down my game of the year. That's right, I said it. I was looking forward to coming home from work and firing this bad boy up throughout the entire experience. Last time that happened was RE4 and God of War(s.) I'm not just saying this because it uses our technology or because I'm friends with some of the team members, no, it is in fact a phenomenal blend of well paced horror, narrative, action and meta RPG moments.

The best part about the game is the fact that the majority of the narrative is what I like to call, simply "passive narrative." There's a recording on a desk, there's a painting or a picture on the wall - you want to ignore them as a gamer, fine, you won't get any story. But you know what? Few people would ignore them and if a person is that determined to undermine the coolness of their interactive experience they're going to find a way. Hell you can walk out of a movie or eject a DVD if you don't want to find out what happens in a film.

Anyways, on to my highlights and strange observations about the whole experience. These are somewhat spoiler filled so turn back now if you haven't played most of the title.
Let's first talk about Mr. Nip Tuck aka "Plastic Surgeon Dude."

I've always said that there's a huge value to be had in an non player character yelling at the player. Ever since the first Medal of Honor when my CO was yelling "GO GO GO GET UP THE BEACH NOOOOW" I've had a deep appreciation for getting virtually screamed at.
So when I was finally able to fight the plastic surgeon character (which in the grand scheme of boss battles really just seemed like a regular splicer with 5x the hitpoints) I found myself cringing as he was running around the room all willy nilly and screaming at me that I'm fat and that I'm ugly and that I really shouldn't have pounded down that case of Tasty Kakes. This will be the only boss character in videogame history that will drive teenaged girl gamers to go on the Oral B diet and start with botulism shots to the forehead early.

I was secretly hoping that he'd be followed up with the "You're not popular and your mom dresses you funny" boss and then "you've got a tinypenis I'm going to go back to my jackrabbit" ex wife characters.
Moving on, and more importantly, does anyone really want to fire bees at anyone in a videogame?

I don't understand how this brainstorming session went down. Like, I get freezing people and shattering them with your wrench... that's cool... I get setting people ablaze, because, you know, it's pretty funny. (Well, except when it's a monk setting himself on fire on purpose in order to protest a war or something like that.)
In the words of my hair twin Dane Cook**** bees. I'll punch bees in the face. Who gets killed by bees?"

Are your foes even allergic to the bees? What about gluten? Could I throw some wheat at them and watch them swell up like Will Smith in "Hitch?"

More importantly, who WANTS to shoot bees? So bullets aren't fun enough, we want to shoot... bees? They're not even killer wasps or spiders. A spider gun would be good because, hey, who wants spiders crawling all over them. (No, you weird people at the exotic animal show do not count and no Morgan Webb neither do you - what's wrong with you people can't you see that spiders are******* evil?) Anyways, the spiders could bite your foe and start cocooning them up in a silky web while they scream "OH GOD GET THEM OFF OF ME TWO LEGS GOOD EIGHT LEGS BAD!"

Oooh that's good, hang on, I have to open GAMEIDEAS.TXT."