First off. Thanks to Kevin Van Ord for saving me and allowing me to finish the game (read the post a couple of posts below this one for more information on the "several controllers plugged in" bug).
Assassins Creed was hands down one of the most beautiful gamingexperiences I´ve had in a great while. This game has taken way to much negative criticism. Way more than it deserves. I got 810/1000 achievmentpoints out of the game and I enjoyed every minute of climbing every High Point, saving every citizen and asassinating every person. The atmosphere, graphics (wich really runs in circles around most of the games out there, its sooo sharp), animation, sound, musical score and insane productionvalues comes together with the really innovative combat and great freerunning to create a really unique experience. You need to be able to appriciate the slow pacing and the sandbox formula to fully enjoy the game. Something I fear to few has been able to do. For me personally it was the ability to create my own experience that really made it so fun. The way I could just climb around, walk around and explore these cities. The story was very interesting and the theme felt very fresh. It really gave me some insight in this part of history and religion that I really wasnt to enlightened on before. More games needs to touch on stuff like the Holy War and the crusaders.
The missiondesign was repetative, sure. But it didnt bother me nearly as much as it bothers many other gamers. I was never forced to do it all. And to people that feels like there isnt much of a game in there, that the game plays itself. Well, you´re probably the type of gamer that needs to shoot stuff, run fast, and that just cant sit down and enjoy some cinematic, easy on the nerves entertainment.
If you can relax and take the game for what it is, you will have a really good time with AC. If youre willing to stay long enough to really dig into the atmosphere of the cities and overlook some bugs, some AI issues that really is very hard to avoid as a developer when making a game of this nature and a huge glitch near the end if you have more than 1 controller plugged in.
I´m to lazy at the momen to write a full review like I planned in the beginning but In the end I give it a 9.0. One of the top 10 games of 2007. Feel free to prove me wrong. The Discussion is open to everyone.