8.4 / 10.0
+ Lots and lots of enemies on screen
+ Fantastic character / armor / weapondesign
+ Incredibly addictive and highly stylish and combointense gameplay
+ Some really good orchestral music with some really moody angelic choirvocals
+ 8 different characters / 8 different views on the conflict / 8 styles of combat
- Some framratedrops when theres alot happening
- No savingfunction in the missions at all can in some particular missions be a huge pain
- Awful English voiceacting for almost every character. Give us Japanese
- Gameplay CAN get repetative even for the most hardcore Hack n Slasher
- The story feels rushed since the campaigns are so short and feels more like a short explanation of the character you play rather than a story that explains the conflict at hand.
- Some bugs with the camera in the cutscenes and really bad lipsyncing due to the original Japanese and the newly added English.
8.4. Recommended to all Hack n Slash fans of the new generation !