..and have it connected to the Internet, you should download Paper Mario NOW! I managed to miss this great title when it was first released on the N64 in 2001. We in Europe are still waiting for Super Paper Mario and until then I´m gonna be glued in front of my TV with Cla.ssic Controller in hand. I just kinda ran into the Gamespot review of the game and saw they gave it a 9.0. Thats an Editors Choice award to a Wii VC game. So I thought "hey, maybe I´m missing out on something by not playing this game". I was right. This game STILL looks and plays awesome. Sometimes I feel like I´m playing an actual Wii title. Its just in some cases where the age shows its face like in the text or the sometimes old 3D environments. But everything else just looks gorgeous and it can do so because they make everything look like paper. Everything is paper cutouts and its fantastic to look at even 6 years after its release. The story is rich and fun as well as the
dialogue.I´m playin a mariogame but with the depth of an RPG with leveling up, hitpoints, damagepoints and turnbased combat and its great! Its something I should have played 6 years ago but thanks to the VC I can do it now. I´m looking forward to many late nights with Paper Mario, starting tonight. This must be the most value for your money on the VC yet. Its a long, addicitve, deep experience with great story, dialogue, humor & combat and I´m completely blown away by how well it holds up even to this day when it comes to the presentation. I totally agree with Gamespot. So far this is a 9.0 scoring title that shouldnt be missed if you own a Wii. Forget about the retail titles. The hottest game on the Wii at the moment is on the Virtual Console. My anticipation for SUPER Paper Mario just doubled and is now one of my most anticipated games for this fall.
Anyways, I have Cola & snacks ready for a long Paper Mario night, starting now! Off to save the princess ! And oh, check out the gamespace here !