In line for the Wii. 78 days left.....
by Flawie on Comments
Just 1 minute ago I Pre-Ordered the Wii. Bound for release the 8th of December in Sweden. I am now officially w
aiting for that day. I ordered the standard Wii-sports package and as of now I havent added any extra games for the release. Zelda is ofcourse very compelling to order for the release but on the other hand I think I´m going to have plenty of fun with Wiisports and just experimenting with the controller. I´ll see if I remove my order when its closing in on release but I thought I might as well get in line if it turns out i DO want one. The pricetag of ~250 dollars was a BIT over what i had hoped for. If it had been like 199 i would have keeped the order for sure. I´ll probably keep this booking to when all comes around since im a Nintendo-Fanboy more than anything and have bought all of their consoles since i was a little boy. Im also starting to really looking forward to spending the holidays with family and friends in front of the Wii with a pair of Wiimotes and kicking it back with some bowling or Golf. Golf should be extra interesting even tho im not a golfing fan at all normally. This also closes the deal for the "next-gen war" on my part. I came down to a 360 and a Wii instead of one Ps3. Pretty much as i planned from the beginning. One console for Power and standard gaming and one console for the creative new thinking and games that is the Wii. I put my faith in Nintendo as usual. I dont think I ever thought I would say this but, i think i could actually get my whole family to enjoy the Wii. I can actually imagine even my old father actually playing a couple of holes in Wii Golf. I actually think Nintendo will succeed to reach out to those not normally playing games. I didnt even realize this before but it should be great fun to engage the family in gaming! Now I just need to buy my DS Lite...still carrying around that rock of a DS Standard.... grr