The first snowfall for this winter season. It has begun.. I just looked outside and my car was all covered in white. It has begun, the swedish winter. This is the start of 4 months of cold, snow and darkness and i havent even changed to winter tires on above named car yet because it isnt even legal to do so for another day. So i should obvoiusly do that very soon. I also need to fix my windshield wipers since they are malfunctioning. On top of that i need to put some weight in the trunk of the car since its extremely light in the back and will drift like a mustang on crack when driving on icy roads.
Anyways. Im really NOT looking forward to the winter season. It tends to snow us in and make the raods so icy its almost impossible to drive on them. Huge snowstorms can come at any time and force you to stay indoors for days out where i live. And as i said earlier, the winter here is damned cold and its dark outside almostĀ 24/7. Its a good thing its only 17 more days until Gears of War is released. A light in the coming dark winter. I guess the winter is a good gaming season, when the snow dosent cut off the electricity to the house.. And yeah, I DO envy some of you living in areas where the winter is just a mere change from hot sunny weather to more of a windy climate. Here its like Santaland for months. I would happily switch places with one of you if youre one of those that would want to experience some snow. Ill see if i can get a picture of the first snow tomorrow when i wake up.