Metal Slug Anthology, Alien Hominid. Both are 2 player co-op through the main game(s). Metal slug anthology has 7 games in it, while alien hominid has a very addictive platforming minigame with 100+ levels that can be played with upto 4 people.
Or Ratchet Deadlocked, 2-player co-op through campaign mode, it's a tps.
Start at the beginning, go through chronologically until you beat Up your Arsenal. Then get some other games, after a break from ratchet, play DeadLocked withe knowledge that it is just a side/filler game. DL is fun, just not as good as the rest.
because of enix they want to try different things and aim more for the revolutionary gameplay rather than staying with the mechanics that have won them so many fans to date. What do you think, squaresoft better off without enix?codalloo
The funny thing is, just earlier today I read that Square was going down hill...not from your reason that enix is forcing them to try revolutionary gameplay (and while it's untrue, how is that a bad thing), but rather that Square is just rehasing the same stuff over and over again. Which seems to be what you want.
Meh, I really have nothing else to contribute to this topic.
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