Just read what was in store for the new titan expansion for Unreal Tournament 3, and it looks really interesting. Now I have the ps3 version of UT3, and back when I first heard that it wouldn't include split-screen, I almost canceled my pre-order. But I brought it anyway, played it for 2 weeks, and never came back... But it seems that the UT team at Epic has been working on a lot of new and free content, rather than just giving eachother piggy-back rides. The new free expansion includes two new game modes, two new turrets, some new power-ups and loads of new maps... But what's really interesting is that they will be adding split-screen and mod browser for the ps3 version of the game. I really think it's awesome to see the split-screen feature patched into the game, and I know that I will be playing this game with my friends now... Split-screen multiplayer isn't dead, and a very overlooked feature... It really a same since it's easier than ever to hook up a lot of controllers, with the wireless technology we have in this generation of consoles.. So props to Epic games!
wonder if anyone is playing this game online anymore?
In other news, I held a little contest in my last blog and the correct anwsers was:
1: Best Offline multiplayer
2: Best Online multiplayer
3: Best Graphics
4: Funniest Games
5: Best PS3 game
6: Best PC game
7: Best Wii game
8: Best DLC
9: Best Sound
10: Best Soundtrack
11: Best Story
12: Game Of The Year
And the winner is..... The_Tombo! with 10 correct... congratz! You win the first Episode of Sam & Max!
So that's it for now.. Thanks for competing in the contest... both of you...
Now, is everyone ready to get their Hadoken on?
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