Fleppie / Member

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Games, games, games.

Hi World!

Haven't seen you in a while, miss me?Tongue outBeen busy, busy and really busy. But things been slowing down a bit (thank God) soI got more time to do these crazy blog things.

As the title already gives away, this entry will be about games. It is almost holiday season, which means that game-publishers are going crazy with the releases. Soo many good games coming out as of lately.I am sure you haven't missed Halo 3's launch. Everybody on my friends list was playing that damn game on launch day. it was crazy.

Friends List

As for me, I haven't bought it yet and am fully resisting the hype. While everybody is playing part 3, I am still finishing up on part 1. This 6 year old game is still really good. Very nice controls, interesting story, nice graphics. After this, part 2, then eventually part 3.

So we got some crazy amounts af games getting released and the PS3 is finally getting up to steam. Drake's fortune, Ratchet & Clank, Heavenly Sword. (which isn't as good as the hype wants you to believe I think) And to all who are complaining about the game-less first year of the PS3, the 360 had the same first-year problems. So just be patient. It is just getting up to steam.

What baffles me is the evolution of games, specifically downloadable games.I don't have a ps3 yet, but if you have an xbox 360 and a Wii, you could get your gaming fix with just both of their downloadable services. They have a weekly release schedule and the games they release could keep you entertained well beyond that week. For less money that full games on the store-shelves. Great stuff. The Ps3 also has a downloadable service, which also has great games if I may believe the reviews.

There's 2 marks I reached as of last month. Number 1, I now own 650 games! Proud of it, no matter how nerdy it sounds. That's hours and hours of digital entertainment right there. IfI at one time may be jobless, I know what to do. And also, I made it past the 5000 achievement points. Although I know that these points are nothing but a digital penis it's still pretty satisfying.


By the way, Team Fortress 2 rocks! Funny, Exciting gameplay, teamwork and a distinct stylized approach. And ofcourse crazy gameplay! Me likes. I think my last game-related purchase this year will be Guitar Hero 3. Played the demo and it got me excited again.

A good ending for a great game year!

I got a couple of topicsI wanted to blog on, but didn't have time to, so I'll see you soon.

Fleppie, out.