Games I Own

Game Release Date GameSpot Score Flikery's Score



Dark Cloud


Dark Chronicle


Culdcept II Expansion (PlayStation 2 the Best)






Colony Wars


Civilization III: Conquests


Chrono Trigger


Chrono Cross (PSOne Books)


Chou Shittou Caduceus


Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin


Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow


Castlevania: Curse of Darkness


Castlevania: Akatsuki no Minuet


Castlevania II: Simon's Quest




Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter


Breath of Fire III


Brave Story: Aratanaru Tabibito


Brave Fencer Musashiden


Boku to Maou (PlayStation 2 the Best)


Black & White


Beyond Good & Evil


Battle Network RockMan EXE 2


Baito Hell 2000


Atelier Iris: Eternal Mana


Arc: Twilight of the Spirits


Arc the Lad Collection


Ar tonelico: Melody of Elemia


Animal Crossing: Wild World


Alundra 2: A New Legend Begins


Akumajou Dracula: Circle of the Moon


Akumajou Dracula X: Gekka no Yasoukyoku (PSOne Books)


Age of Empires: The Age of Kings


.hack//Outbreak Part 3


.hack//Mutation Part 2


.hack//Infection Part 1
