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Scientist working for Thurman and Fisherexamined US egg production and chicken population from 1930 to 1983. Granger causality looks to see if data in onetime seriescan predict data in another time series. By looking at the annual number of eggs produced, and comparing it with the total number of chickens, Thurman and Fisher sought to see if the chicken population predicted the number of eggs laid, or if the number of eggs predicted the chicken population, or both. It was found that information present in the egg time series predicted the number of chickens, but there was no reciprocal prediction of the number of eggs from the number of chickens. Thurman and Fisher conclude that the egg came first.
This arguing is pointless, we all have the right to our own opinion no matter how much we disagree with each other. It's not an argument, it's a discussion. It's pretty much what forums were made for. What ever it is lets put it aside, politics seperate countries, like Chuck Norris said "Americans should not judge each other and argue because of their political party, they should respect the fact that they both live in a free country."
[QUOTE="jaydough"] Isn't it interesting how we think the people who agree with us are the most intelligent?jaydough
You could be wrong though. So could you. This arguing is pointless, we all have the right to our own opinion no matter how much we disagree with each other.
[QUOTE="F1_2004"]I'm no hater, but wtf are they doing building a mosque that close to where the twin towers used to be? Regardless of what their intentions are, these people building the mosque must realize that it's not fitting to build it that close to the site where terrorists killed thousands of people in the name of Islam. Common courtesy, man...jaydough
You are the smartest person in this topic *gives high five* Isn't it interesting how we think the people who agree with us are the most intelligent? You could be wrong though.
[QUOTE="Theokhoth"] No, YOU show some freaking respect. Muslims died on 9/11 too, you know; with you acting like they're celebrating their victory with this mosque (something they aren't doing at all) you're essentially saying "YOUR losses aren't important!"
The human right to free religious expression trumps the want for a shallow and self-centered idea of "respect" any day.
Only 64 muslims died in 911 ( god rest their souls ) A 15 story mosque looking down at the cemetery of Ground Zero in the location of a building partially destroyed in the 911 Islamic attack is wrong. It is indecent. The Burlington Building were they are builing the structure, is Ground Zero, for it was damaged in the attacks....Why the hell are we discussing a mosque in a atheist topic? Didn't you bring it up? Did you even read the first freaking post? He mentioned the mosque more than anything!!!
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