Hot and Sticky
by FlyingHellfish on Comments
No, I'm not talking about the delicacies they sell at the airport Cinnabon stand. I'm talking about the weather. Summer is here which means the bombardment of reality TV shows and reruns galore. It also means the bittersweet return of Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip. I almost think that NBC was hoping this show would fail. Granted it is one of the more expensive shows to produce, but it has a great ensemble cast, excellent writing, and interesting characters. NBC threw this one into the 10:00 Monday night slot and just didn't promote enough or give a chance in another time slot. Ugh. And now for some rambling: The Tigers are in a funk lately, aside from the 14-2 pasting of the Devil Rays a couple days ago, they just seem out of it. Not to mention the injury bug is biting and stinging at the same time. Good news though Kenny Rogers' return seems to be ahead of schedule and the Tigers still have a hold of the wild card spot. If you are highly observant, you will have noticed that my age in the "About Me" box changed from 23 to 24. May 27th 1983, the date the whole world stopped and said..."Man, that's an ugly baby!" Just kidding, however, I was a bit of a bruiser at 10 pounds 6 ounces. Anyway, I share the same birthday as future baseball Hall of Famers: Frank Thomas and Jeff Bagwell, as well as Former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, Wild Bill Hickok and legendary golfer Sam Snead. Check and see which famous or notable people you share your birthday with this website. My wife's family insists on having monthly birthday parties, complete with gifts, even for the adults in the family. This year I told her to put the word out that I'd prefer Best Buy gift cards over anything else and lo and behold everyone came through. I purchased Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2007 and Super Paper Mario for my Wii, as well as a LAN connection, and also I spotted a good deal on the MacGyver Season 1 DVD set. Ah, memories. MacGyver was my favorite show growing up and I haven't seen it in quite a while. I don't think that as a kid I realized how corny this show really is, but I still enjoy it now. Gotta love the theme song. Being an editor has surely changed the way I spend time on this site. There are usually plenty of submissions in my queue and so far I think I've done a good job staying on top of them. I love the satisfaction of seeing "Your Queue Is Empty!" after moderating a batch of subs. All right that's it for now. Take it easy, fellow TV.commers.