This is a first. I'm writing a blog that has nothing to do with the Detroit Tigers, the Indianapolis Colts, or the NFL.
Earlier today, I planned on posting my newly calculated NFL rankings, however for some crazy reason the blogs all over went wacky and were inaccessible. Then I come back and check on my blog later and try to load up my rankings, however, something has corrupted the disk I saved the rankings on and all the work has been lost. Oh, well. I think I'll discontinue the rankings anyway, I think in the future, I might just post the top ten.
What's the deal with the Turkey emblem? At first I thought it was kind of cool and that on Monday it would disappear, but it's still there, gobbling at me. As far as emblems go, if I had my way, my profile would only have 6 of 'em: The two for Drama and Comedy, my current rank (Shark Jumper), Trusted Contributor, my contribution level (1000), and being a top 500 user. I understand the emblems and that feeling of accomplishment they give when you receive a new one, but I don't need the redundant emblems cluttering up my profile. Obviously if I'm a top 500 user I would be a top 1000 user, I don't need an emblem to remind me of the top 1000 status. Same goes for the contribution based emblems, as much as I like Honest Abe, I'm getting sick of his copper-toned right profile. Oh, well. Complaining doesn't ever really get you anywhere, but it will make you feel better.
The Nine has been cancelled, it was one of the new shows I tried out this season, but after 3 episodes I kind of gave up on it. It was a good show with decent characters and an interesting premise, but I just couldn't stay interested. Truth be told, I don't have cable or a dish and I really don't watch that much TV, I currently only have 3 shows I follow, plus Day Break which is slightly helping to fill the void that Lost has left. I'm still watching Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip. I'm glad it was picked up for the rest of the season, I enjoy just about anything Aaron Sorkin does and I enjoy the complex and seemingly endless tracking shots that flow from one fast-paced conversation to the next. (On The West Wing this technique was dubbed the "Walk and Talk.") I liked Sports Night and The West Wing and the movie A Few Good Men; an excellent military/courtroom drama filled with plenty of Sorkinesque dialogue.
I do have to add one NFL related item. There is a game on Thursday night and my pick:
Ravens @ Bengals
I'll post the rest of the picks later.
If you've made it this far in my blog, you have no doubt realized that my title was just an attention getter. I apologize to any space nerds that were compelled to click on my blog: You've been duped.
Well, that's it. Take it easy, fellow TV.commers.
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