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Trustworthy contributor, and some Tigers and NFL musings.

First things first, I would like to say thanks to DennisKytasaari, editor of The Simpsons show guide, for making me a "trusted contributor." Pretty Sweet. So, thanks again to Dennis.

Now, on to the Tigers. They go 5-2 for the week, sweeping The Tribe this weekend. I was at Sunday's game, where Ledezma did a fine job on the mound, in a fill in role for the resting Justin Verlander. Ledezma got Hafner to strike out twice, which was impressive to me, because back in late May, I was also at Comerica, when I watched Hafner park a Kenny Rogers pitch right over the "Ditch the Dish" sign in right field, some 330 feet away, in like point 2 seconds.

Got to see Pudge play 1st base, which was pretty cool, I believe he has only started at 1st, 4 times now, so it's pretty rare to see him play that position. He made a nifty and kind of unconventional double play. He was holding the runner on 1st and stepped off the bag when Ledezma went home with the pitch. Ground ball came right back to Pudge, who looked at little out of position, but he quickly scooped it up, ran a few steps to 1st for the force, and then turned and gunned it to 2nd in time for the tag. The atmosphere at Comerica is awesome. I thought it was great in May, but man, you get that feeling like you're witnessing history in the making when you're at the stadium.

I was at a restaurant/bar on Sat. night and could not hear the game, but I could see it on TV, and I got goose bumps watching Pudge run around the bases like an excited kid at Christmas time, after his walk-off homer. I'm only upset that I missed Dan Dickerson's home-run call on the radio. I love his tater call, can't say the same for Jim Price though, but man Dickerson gets me all pumped up. Plus, Monroe hits the go ahead homer in the 8th on Friday. Missed that call though, I'm embarrassed to say that I turned off the game after they were trailing 5-0 in the 4th.

Anyway, man are the Tigers getting really, really exciting. And also football season is quickly approaching. This is a bittersweet time of year: Summer is ending, but baseball playoffs and the NFL are arriving. I Look for the Lions to be much improved this year in a weak NFC North. And I look for my favorite team, the Colts, led by the finest pass/catch duo in the league, to win the AFC South for the 4th year in a row, and thus making the playoffs for the 5th year in a row. I'm always confident that they'll win on Sundays, but man has it been disappointing the last 4 years. Especially after last year, you go from 13-0 to getting beat by The Chin, The Bus, and the rest of the 6th seed, wild card Steelers. NICK HARPER, JUST KEEP RUNNING STRAIGHT! Oh, it's painful to watch that replay, it's the most gut wrenching football game I've ever watched, so many ups and downs. I'm also looking to make it back to Indy for a game this year. I was there in 03 and 04 (both wins over the Falcons and Titans respectively). But I couldn't get tickets in 05.

Whoa, starting to ramble. Let's end it with: Go Tigers!