@LalchandTudu This doesn't even qualify as a video game movie. Need for Speed has never had a "real" story. If this movie does bad, it is because the movie sucks. Not because it shares the same name as the game. I for one hope it will be good though.
These days people seem to be more weak minded though. That's why we have more school shootings, depression, and that sort of thing. I'd be able to shrug it off, but personally I'd rather physical attacks over mental. Rather deal with pain for a few mins over being harassed for a couple of weeks.
@yearssomuch You're right unfortunately. I enjoy the show, because they make the idiots out to be...well...idiots. It's nice seeing others take notice of trolls and their illiteracy and/or idiocy, but it is encouraging them to continue.
I don't see why people need to bitch about reviews at all. They help you figure out whether or not you want to buy the game. The score doesn't mean a damn thing. It is just a guide. If you like the game then you like the game. I'm a fan of Dynasty Warriors and it NEVER gets a good score, but I get it anyways because I am a fan. All that matters is that I like it. I understand the arguments against Carolyn with the whole misogynistic, sexism stuff. I agree to a point that if you dock the score for that then why not dock for racism, murder, etc. The fact is people went about it totally wrong. State your opinion on the matter in a professional way and leave it at that.
@hadlee73 I agree. They just need to make a classic rpg with great graphics, characters, and story. And by classic I mean games like FF 1 through 9. Everyone wants an open world to explore with an airship and bad ass characters with bad ass stories lol.
omg people are still complaining and whining about which has better graphics? pitiful. of course ps3 has better graphics due to blue ray and the fact it was released a year after 360. and if you wanna complain about ps3 games looking worse than 360's then complain to sony for not making the ps3 dev friendly. i personally am a 360 fan due to a better selection of games, but this is just my opinion.
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