The superintendent is the only one that can call the shots like this. A principal is only a pawn in a school district. I work for one.
Focus_Mike's forum posts
Forza 3 is a good game but is by no means a GREAT improvement over 2 IMO. I put around 6 hours into it last night. The graphics are a little better but there are slight frame rate issues. Once the cars are 200 feet or so in front of you they start looking like ****. The driving physics are real nice, the way I see it is its slightly better than 2 with an in car view which is super nice but even the in car view lacks fine detail, especially in the steering wheel texture. Call me an anal but I think Microsoft could have made these small improvements, it would it nice if you hit the rear view look "Y" button and you seen the back seats of the car.
I also don't like how your driver never takes his hands of the wheel even with a manual transmission option.
Example I have this build to the gills S2000 and those cars only come in manual, the drivers hands are always at the 10 and 2 on the wheel. I am still enjoying the game otherwise I wouldn't have put the time into it. but they should correct that shifting issue.
The grass still looks like green nothingness after 10 feet.
There are going to be the MS nut swinging fanboys that are going to argue and say "oh the game is awesome your a nub sausage" I'm just waiting for it now. lol I put my time into the game on a 52 inch High Def screen I can see the bull**** or how the car "SPARKS" when they bump into you REALLY the car is throwing sparks everywhere well thats so awesome and realistic.... I made the mistake of having the difficulty on "limited" and they kept pitting me like savage beast right when I would steal a position. I actually got furious! Then I found out I didn't have it on Simulation setting and then it got a whole lot better. I was like this is B.S! So i fixed that, that one was my fault.
MS racing wheel and pedals FTW!
Correction Dragons Spirt my child, dragon spirt.
A form of punishment I am going to have for my kids if I ever have them is 120 lines of Tetris NES while listening to MeatLoaf. LMFAO.
I got all pumped about a huge battle and was nervous.
What a joke. I don't want to spoil anything or give anything away but WOW what a joke. My friend watched me play it and was like "GOOD LUCK" he was saying WOW just like me. WOW, upsetting.
Knowing about the last boss I would still gladly buy the game but damn was that a joke compared to the rest of the game.
Anyone else have the same feeling I had?
Warcraft 3 Frozen Throne is my all time favorite game of all time which is of all times of time of time. LOL
PS3 games only.
I'd say COD4 for the time being, Demon's Souls is fantastic and has eaten my time but will I play it 3 months later probably not, COD4 I've picked up after weeks of not playing it just to end up playing it again for weeks. It's a well rounded game that offers plenty of good times.
I did it does nothing...
Do I warp into a dungeon or do I just start from the nexus how does it work?
I equipt it in my items like my grass and mana potion and such and press "SQUARE" on the controller. That is the proper way right?Focus_Mike
Okay you need to be near the arch stone that brings you back into the nexus incase anyone else was wondering. It says "SEARCHING FOR WORLD TO INVADE" but doesn't send me anywhere. Am I free to roam or do I have to keep trying to invade...?
I did it does nothing...
Do I warp into a dungeon or do I just start from the nexus how does it work?
I equipt it in my items like my grass and mana potion and such and press "SQUARE" on the controller. That is the proper way right?
How do you become one, I have the stones I just don't know how to invade someons world and be a phantom. I want my body back and I think if you kill someone in there world you can get your body form back right?
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