I saw the new Harry Potter movie last night, and it was excellent!!!! It kicks the Goblet of Fire's assbigtime. The good things about the movie was [spoiler] I felt Luna was perfect, they changed the way the communication with the fireplaces works, so now there is a face literally in the flames instead of the charchoal. Gawrp was so cute! I'm so glad they didn't cut him out, although he never said "Hermy". The opening was amazing in itself, the dementors make you jump ten feet in the air. [/spoiler]
There was few minor bad things. [spoiler] They cut out a lot of Grimmauld Place, probably only to shorten the movie. You don't see much of anyone fighting in the ministry after the first five minutes of the battle except for Harry and Dumbledore. The fountain statues don't come alive, only one detention is shown, no gold coins, Sirius' mirror isn't there, Harry and Cho make out for like 5 minutes,and Sirius gets hit by the killing spell before he falls into the veil. Harry never destroys Dumbledore's office, but that saves a lot of really bad crying on Daniel Radcliffe's part. [/spoiler]
The whole movie was amazing. [spoiler] The effects, action, Dudley grew so much since he was last seen, which fits the book description perfectly. The DA meetings seemed really cool also. For fittting a book that large into a movie a little over 2 hours, they did a very good job. The las movie definately looked pathetic compared to this one. [/spoiler]