I love madlibs because they can be pretty amazing.
"One day while I was pumb in the bedroom a sexy D-Rob fell through the roof. It immediately jumped on the Refrigerator and knocked over the wouldn't-you-like-to-know. Then it ran out the door into the kitchen and attack a Gilly Boy off the couch. It then knocked a glass of pimp juice off the coffee table. After 5 minutes of chasing the D-Rob through the house I finally caught it and put it outside. It quickly climbed the nearest pickle. "
or: "The Life of a College Student:
Every jiffy, I wake up and get off my picket fence. I don't always have the time to run a shower, but I laways make sure to squat my hair. Once that's done I get some hairbrush, and then it's off to my first sexual intercourse. I often get caught stuffing in class. No one likes it when the prostitute gives a surprise shaft. My second class is feast theory. Dr Michael Jackson is incredibly revealing, but I never leak her because of her thick underskirt. Her suspenders, however, are really West German. After lunch, I have no more soviets and I'm free to unwrap under my friends. Before I go to bed I thrust a little bit. Itchy jack hammers make out magical."
or a way to make spongebob sound really scary:
"Ohhhhh... who lives in a plum under save sex?
Santa Squarepants!
Saggy and Yellowish and lesbian is he!
Santa Squarepants!
If scandilous satan be something you plagerise..
Santa Squarepants!
Then expand on the young tree and hum like a mountain goat.
Santa Squarepants!
I think you get the rest...
I am so proud of what Michelle, Lisa, and I can do when we get out of school early...:lol: